Maximising Fun in Small Spaces: Pocket Playgrounds

Do you have a small area and you need a new play space? The answer could lie in a pocket playground. It is innovative, compact, and perfect for our bustling urban landscapes and small school areas.

In this article we will explore the main principles of this type of playground and how you can benefit from it.

Understanding Pocket Playgrounds

Imagine a small, creatively designed play space nestled in a small area. That’s a pocket playground. They’re essential for busy cities that might not have access to large, open play areas.

From an unused small corner design to rooftop fun zones, these playgrounds are transforming underused spaces into vibrant hubs of activity.

Mahara Place, Kapiti Coast. Its a great example of a pocket playspace.

Design Principles of Pocket Playgrounds

Designing a pocket playground is a unique challenge. It’s all about making the most of limited space. Designers use multifunctional play equipment and focus on vertical space to create engaging and inclusive play areas.

It’s a blend of practicality and creativity, ensuring every square foot brings joy. Focusing on a mix of structured and unprescribed play can make your design stand out in an urban setting.

Benefits of Pocket Playgrounds

These compact play areas are more than just fun. They offer children social, physical, and cognitive benefits, providing essential playtime in densely populated areas.

For communities, they enhance neighbourhood appeal and foster social connections. Plus, they often contribute to urban greenery, adding a touch of nature to concrete landscapes.

Pocket playgrounds work as a breathing space for areas where you otherwise wouldn’t have a playspace or even a small green area.

For schools, pocket playgrounds are beneficial in many ways, such as bringing a relaxing space in between classrooms or a sensory space for the younger ones.

Customisation and Creativity

Pocket playgrounds are a canvas for creativity. They can be themed, colourful, and inclusive, ensuring every child finds something to love.

The key is to use imagination and innovation to create a play space that reflects and serves the community it’s in.

Engaging with a playground design specialist will help you make the most of your small space, maximising its play value.

Kristin School upgraded a small space into a playground for their senior students.

Pocket playgrounds are a testament to the power of creative problem-solving in urban design. They show us that there’s room for fun, growth, and community building, even in the smallest spaces.

As our cities continue to grow, these tiny havens of play are more important than ever. They’re not just playgrounds; they’re a vital part of making our urban spaces liveable and joyful for everyone.

If you are ready to transform your small space into a pocket playground call us on 0800 000 334 or send us an email to [email protected]

What are the best playground equipment for schools?

If you are in the process of upgrading your school playground, it is essential to know which ones are out there and which are the best that will fit your space, budget and type of play you are looking for. In this article, we will cover some of the best playground equipment you can add to your school.

Types of Equipment

The Staples: Swings, slides, and carousels remain the heart of playground fun. They exist in many playgrounds, and your school can only benefit from them. It would be best to remember that some of this equipment only caters to one user at a time.

Nature Play: A significant 2024 trend involves returning to nature by creating circular spaces for natural play. Think of changing your plastic material equipment to more natural-looking ones made out of robinia and other wood.

Big Structures: These add significant play value and can accommodate many users simultaneously, offering a cost-effective solution for creating inclusive spaces. They can cost more upfront, but if well-designed, they can maximise the play value of your area.

Unprescribed Play: Beyond traditional staples, integrating features that encourage children to invent new ways to play enhances overall play value. These elements foster skill development, such as creativity and problem-solving, through play.

Learning-Focused Areas: Making play educational yet fun is crucial. Children often resist the idea of blending learning with play. Utilizing equipment like sensory panels and educational elements can effectively encourage children’s developmental skills.

What’s Best for You?

Every playground is unique, so determining the best equipment for your space can be challenging. Below, we provide examples to navigate the vast array of equipment options tailored to your design preferences and space requirements.

Small Spaces: Maximizing play value is essential in urban areas or schools with limited space. Vertical play structures, like high slides with sensory play panels, are ideal. Additionally, floor drawings and creative surface uses can enhance the play experience.

Large Spaces: With more room, the equipment options are virtually limitless. However, maintenance considerations are vital. Opt for equipment that concentrates play in specific, age-appropriate areas. Features like 3-bay swings, towers, and slides effectively confine play to designated zones. Adding obstacle courses and relaxation areas can further enrich the environment if space allows.

Difficult Terrain: For uneven landscapes, flying foxes are excellent. Utilising the terrain’s natural contours maximises your budget and the play’s value. Incorporating water play and other sensory elements can also enhance these areas.

Inclusive: Catering to all abilities is crucial, especially in schools with diverse student needs. Basket swings, ramps, and towers with varying access heights allow children of all abilities to play together. Inclusive seesaws and trampolines are also valuable additions. Choose equipment that is universally accessible, ensuring no child is excluded.

Ultimately, the best playground equipment for your school depends on your specific needs, available space, and budget. High structures, for example, will necessitate safety surfacing.

For more information on selecting the ideal playground equipment for your school, contact our specialist team at 0800 000 334 or email us at [email protected].

The Difference Between DIY and Full-Service Playground Company

Building a new playground is an exciting venture. Many jump into this project with a DIY spirit, armed with enthusiasm and essential tools. However, constructing a playground involves more than assembling platforms, swings, and slides. In this article, we’ll delve into the key differences between crafting a playground on your own and hiring a full-service playground company.

Understanding DIY Playground Projects

The Appeal of DIY

Embarking on a DIY playground project can be a thrilling endeavour. It allows you complete control over the design and aesthetic of your space. Being cost-effective only requires sourcing the equipment and dedicating time to build. DIY projects offer the freedom to blend various styles and cater to your children’s or community’s unique preferences.

Challenges of DIY

However, DIY projects come with their fair share of challenges:

  • Time and Effort: DIY projects demand significant time investment and physical effort. If you are not prepared to spare time doing research and doing the work, your project might never come off the paper.
  • Safety Concerns: Without professional knowledge, ensuring the safety of the playground can be tricky. Playgrounds should be somewhat risky but not life-threatening. Knowing that limit is extremely important, and that could be overlooked when you make your playground.
  • Sourcing Materials: Finding suitable materials and tools can be daunting. There are building supply companies, but having material that can last a long time and the correct type of material can be difficult if you don’t know.

Full-Service Playground Company - A Comprehensive Solution

What Full-Service Means

Full-service playground companies offer a holistic approach:

  • Professional Design: Expert planning and design ensure a functional and aesthetically pleasing playground. On top of that, they will work with you on a wish list, catering to your needs and budget.
  • Quality Construction: Using premium materials, these companies guarantee durability and safety. As a full-service guide working with you throughout the whole process, from concept to installation, they ensure consistent quality.

Benefits of Full-Service

Opting for a full-service company brings several advantages:

  • Safety: Expert installation ensures a safe play environment. They will ensure that your space is safe for play from day one to after installation.
  • Convenience: Saves time and eliminates the hassle of doing it yourself. They also offer a seamless journey, where you only have to deal with one contractor, and the full-service company will take care of the rest.
Full Service Design and Build companies work with you from concept.

Cost Comparison between DIY and a Full-Service Playground Company

DIY Costs

  • Materials: Purchasing raw materials and tools.
  • Unseen Expenses: Time investment and potential errors can add hidden costs. It will be cheaper, but you are taking a considerable risk and may end up with a playground that cannot be used.

Full-Service Playground Company Costs

  • Initial Investment: Generally higher but covers comprehensive services. All you have to do is share your vision and trust the process, and the space will be built to your needs.
  • Long-Term Value: Ensures durability and safety, offering better value over time.

Safety and Compliance

DIY Safety Risks

  • Lack of Expertise: This can lead to safety hazards, such as corners and bolts that could injure users.
  • Non-Compliance: Potential risk of not meeting safety standards. You can spend time and money and end up with equipment that will not be used.

Safety Assurance with a Full-Service Playground Company

  • Regulatory Compliance: Adheres to safety regulations. All designs are pre-approved by an inspector to ensure that every piece of equipment that goes out of the warehouse is compliant.
  • Professional Assessment: Risk assessments are done by experts. Safety surfacing for different heights ensures it complies with the latest standards.

Time Investment and Convenience

Time Commitment for DIY

  • Duration: DIY projects can be lengthy and susceptible to delays. Life happens, and you could end up with a longer lead time, or if you contract someone to help you, it could also increase your costs.

Convenience of a Full-Service Playground Company

  • Efficiency: Quick, professional installation. Expertise brings in efficient work, ensuring your lead times are respected, and you get a playground in no time.
  • Stress-Free: A hassle-free experience for clients. You only have to deal with one contractor who will guide and work with you through the process.

When choosing between DIY and full-service playground companies, it’s crucial to weigh personal needs, safety, and value.

Both options have their merits, but the right choice depends on your specific circumstances and goals. We encourage readers to explore their options further and reach out for more information or to discuss specific playground needs.


Learn more about our services calling us on 0800 000 334 or send us an email to [email protected]

When Less is More: Rethinking Playground Design

If you are looking to build a new playground, you might be struggling to organise or add equipment or design features to your plan. However, sometimes less is more, and in this blog post, we will cover all you need to know about designing a space with fewer features but great play value.

The Essence of Traditional Playground Design

Classic Features and Their Limitations

Traditional playgrounds, familiar to many, typically feature slides, swings, and climbing structures. These elements have been playground staples for generations, offering classic fun and physical activity. However, the effectiveness of these elements is not just about quantity. More equipment doesn’t always equate to more play value.

In fact, in specific environments, these standard features might not be the best fit. Overcrowding a playground with too many structures can actually steer away from the quality of play, leading to a cluttered and less engaging space.

Broadening the Playground Horizon

Playground design is an imagination-rich space with a range of philosophies that go beyond traditional layouts. For instance, natural playgrounds incorporate rocks, water, and landscaping to create a play environment that harmonises with nature.

On the other hand, inclusive playgrounds are meticulously designed to be accessible and enjoyable for children of all abilities, including those with physical or sensory challenges.

Unique Designs and Their Impact

Let’s consider some innovative playground designs:

  • Adventure playgrounds, which foster unstructured play using materials like tires, wood, and ropes, encourage creativity and problem-solving. They are challenging, in essence, helping users grow different skill sets.
  • Sensory gardens, designed to stimulate the senses with features like scented plants and tactile surfaces, offer a unique play experience that engages different sensory pathways.

Each type of playground design has its own advantages and challenges.

Natural playgrounds, for example, can foster a deeper connection with the environment but may require more maintenance. Inclusive playgrounds, while promoting accessibility, might involve higher initial costs.

Small design items can be great in thematic playground design, such as this native bird.

Embracing "Simplicity": When Less is Ideal

Tailoring Design to Space and Community Needs

In certain areas, a “simpler” playground design is more appropriate and effective. A minimalist approach can greatly benefit small spaces or communities with specific needs.

A less cluttered playground can enhance creativity and foster better social interaction among children. It’s not just about the number of play structures but about creating a space that encourages imagination and free play.

The surrounding environment plays a crucial role in playground design, and a well-integrated space can significantly improve the play experience.

Intentional Design: Quality Over Quantity

Maximising Potential with Fewer Elements

The key to a successful minimalist playground is the focus on quality over quantity.

This approach involves selecting fewer elements but ensuring that each one is of high quality and serves a specific purpose.

Strategies for maximising playground potential with minimal elements include choosing versatile equipment that can be used in many ways, focusing on natural elements that provide a range of play experiences, and incorporating open spaces that allow for free play and imagination.

A few examples are working with your landscape to create different play patterns and encouraging exploration. Choose equipment that has more than one type of play feature in it.

The secret of a great design is creating a story, ensuring that your playspace resonates with what you and the community need. In that way, your space won’t be cluttered and will cater specifically to your user demographic.

The Value of Thoughtful Design

In conclusion, adopting a ‘less is more’ philosophy in playground design is about more than just a trend. It’s a commitment to creating spaces that foster imagination, inclusivity, and community engagement.

Do you want to know more on how you can have a space that will fit your needs? Call us on 0800 000 334 or send us an email to [email protected]

The importance of surface design: beyond a safety measure

In playground design, it is easy to forget the importance of surface design. Far from being just a backdrop, the surface of a playground plays a crucial role in bringing it all together.

It’s a critical safety feature and a canvas to tell the story of the community or school it represents. So, get ready and learn more in this article about how to create unique designs and how the surface will make your playground unique.

Weaving Stories Through Surface Design

Beyond safety, surface design offers a unique opportunity to weave the local narrative into the playground. For instance, a playground in a coastal town might feature a sea-themed surface design, using blues and greens to mimic the ocean, fostering a sense of connection to the local environment.

The surface can connect one piece of equipment to another, creating a flow, one of the most important aspects we look at when designing your concept.

Small design items can be great in thematic playground design, such as this native bird.
Aorangi School, Rotorua. They opted for a surface relief to tell their story.

The Safety Aspect of Surface Design

Safety is one of the most overlooked aspects of compliance and playground design. The choice of surface material can significantly reduce the risk of injuries.

Materials like wet pour rubber or soft grass are commonly used to cushion falls, providing a safer environment for children to play and explore.

Educational and Skill Development Surfaces

Surface designs can be educational and skill-enhancing. Incorporating numbers and alphabets into the design encourages learning, while obstacle courses designed into the surface, like a ‘floor is lava’ game, promote motor skill development.

Storytelling and Community Engagement

Playgrounds can become storytelling platforms. A design that includes elements of the local landscape, like a community river or mountains, not only adds aesthetic value but also strengthens community ties and fosters a sense of pride and belonging. A great example is how Opotiki District Council told their local story through the surface design at the Whitikau Reserve Playground.

Surface design for a primary school, designed and built by Creo.

Play Value and Equipment Integration

The play value of a playground isn’t limited to the equipment. Integrating the surface design with play structures creates a cohesive and engaging environment.

This synergy between elements can transform a playground into a unique and captivating space.

Inclusivity and Sensory Experiences

Inclusive design is crucial. A playground should cater to people of all ages and abilities. Surfaces that use different colours, shapes, and directions guide users, creating an accessible and welcoming space.

Sensory pathways with varied textures like grass, pebbles, and mulch offer a unique experience, catering to different sensory needs.

Cost-Effectiveness and Long-Term Value

Investing in surface design is not just about aesthetics; it’s a cost-effective strategy. A well-designed surface contributes to the playground’s longevity and reduces maintenance costs. More importantly, it enhances the play experience and fosters a sense of belonging among its users.


Surface design in playgrounds is more than just a functional aspect; it’s a canvas for safety, learning, storytelling, and community engagement.

As we recognise its importance, we open up new possibilities for creating fun, safe, meaningful, and inclusive spaces.

For communities and schools looking to build or renovate playgrounds, considering surface design is not just an option; it’s a necessity that enriches the play experience and nurtures a sense of community belonging.

If you want to know more about the Creo process in designing and building your playground, book a 15-minute ideas session below.


The Full-Service Playground Company Advantage: From Vision to Play

Choosing the right approach to build a playground can be challenging. You might opt for a basic approach with limited design input, working directly with equipment and surface suppliers.

Alternatively, the common choice involves juggling multiple vendors for design, civils, equipment, and surfacing.

Creo changed the approach by offering a full-service playground company experience, integrating all these elements under one roof. In this article, we will explain to you the comprehensive process Creo uses to bring your dream playground to life.

Preliminary Assessments

  • Discovery Conversations: Our initial step involves a discovery call. This 15-minute call helps us understand your specific needs and determine how we can be a great fit for each other.
  • Site Visit/Survey: A thorough understanding of your site is essential. We conduct detailed site visits and employ technology for accurate scanning. This information is essential for our design team to understand the layout and approach of your playground.
Full Service Design and Build companies work with you from concept.


  • Mood Boards: We use mood boards to capture and visualise the desired purpose and atmosphere of your playground. This collaborative tool helps in aligning our designs with your vision and aspirations.
  • Concept Drawings and 3D Sketches and renders: Our design process evolves from basic concept drawings to 3D rendered models, getting all the details from our site assessment and early conversations. We also offer a 3D virtual tour of what your playground can look like.
  • Project value: We give an indication of the complete project value, so the concept aligns with budget. No unpleasant surprises down the track.
Whitikau Reserve, focus on local heritage to increase community engagement.

Planning and Support

  • Fundraising Support: At Creo our team will guide you all the way. If you need to apply for funding grants to make your project the best you deserve, we work together to make sure you apply for the right funds that align with your purpose and vision.
  • Revisions and Developed Design: We take your feedback and incorporate it into our designs. We will work alongside you to make sure the final design is what you desire. It is in this step that your design starts to have a more finished look. Also making any revisions to align with budget at this point.

Design and Engineering

  • In-house Design Engineering & Bespoke Equipment Design: Our design and manufacturing team will work with the agreed plans and create unique pieces that fit your story, purpose, and what you’d like to see when your playground is done. Once it is all approved, our team will supply the manufacturing team with all details needed to create equipment and surface designs.
  • Construction Drawings: After finalising the design, we provide comprehensive construction drawings. Our team will include what will be needed for the plan, such as site excavation, levelling, drainage, fresh water and power requirements, equipment, furniture, shade, set out and installation, and surfacing.
  • Lead Times: To make sure your project is on time, we have all the needed material in-house, making it possible for our team to manufacture equipment much faster, avoiding months of wait for equipment to arrive from overseas.


  • Site Preparation: We handle all aspects of site preparation, ensuring the area is ready for safe and efficient construction. We will work with clearing the site, taking on demolition and doing civils.
  • Building and Installation: Our team oversees the installation process, from playground equipment to safety surfacing, ensuring each phase aligns with the agreed-upon plan and timeline. We have a team of site managers and construction managers that will be on site, making sure your playground is finished within the shortest time possible.

Final Touches

  • Landscaping: Adding a breathing space in your playground is great for those busy moments. A thoughtful landscape design will consider your budget, needs and who your space is catered for.
  • Warranties and Compliance: We guarantee that all equipment and surfaces comply with safety standards and come with comprehensive warranties, ensuring long-term reliability and safety.

Post-Completion Services

  • Professional Photography & Videography: To showcase your new playground, we provide professional photography and videography services. This material can be used for your marketing and promotional efforts.
  • Ongoing Support with Repairs and Maintenance: Our commitment extends beyond the project completion, offering continued support for repairs and maintenance to ensure the longevity and safety of the playground.


The process of creating a playground with Creo is designed to be thorough, collaborative, and efficient. From the initial concept to ongoing maintenance, we ensure every aspect of your playground project is managed with expertise, making your vision a reality.

For you, this means that you will need to contact only one party, there is clear and concise communication, fixed costs, project can start sooner and be quickly completed. The original design is delivered as it is shown in the concepts.


Are you interested in having the best playground in the community? Call us on 0800 000 334 or send us an email to [email protected]

What are the swing options for your playground

Swings are a staple in all playgrounds. That is why so many options have become popular over the years. This article will cover the most common options you can add to your next playground project. Let’s check them out:

Standard Swings

The classic swing set usually has a flat seat suspended by chains or ropes. The seats can be made of plastic, wood, or hard material.

Some of these swings come with extra chains around the waist to offer more safety, allowing children of different abilities to play with them.

Wet pour rubber provides safety as well as good aesthetics for your space.

Tyre Swings

A horizontal or vertical tyre suspended by ropes or chains. It’s a popular choice for its unique swinging motion. Tires can also spin depending on how they are chained to the frame.

They are great options for budget spaces or a DIY project, giving your playground a rustic and unique look.

Bucket Swings

Designed for toddlers and young children, these swings have a bucket-shaped seat with leg holes and a high back for support.

Also known as the baby swing, they offer better protection for children who cannot yet balance themselves.

Belt Swings

Belt swings, also known as sling swings, are similar to standard swings but feature a flexible, belt-like seat, offering a snug fit for the user.

Usually made of rubber, they are cheaper and provide a different aesthetic for your playground.

Check our full equipment range

Basket Swings

Round, disc-like swings that can hold one or more children, offering a different swinging experience. They can accommodate multiple children and be used by adults, making these swings inclusive and suitable for children of various abilities.

Hammock Swings

These swings provide a relaxing and gentle swinging motion, similar to a hammock.

Available in various materials, including fabric, interlaced ropes and chains, or other flexible materials, they are great for adults and children and can be a play feature or a piece of furniture.

Face-to-Face Swings

Designed for two users or more to swing facing each other, these swings promote interaction and social play.

Variations include the expression swing, ideal for parents to interact with their babies as they swing.

Adaptive Swings

Swings with unique features like harnesses and high back support are designed for children with disabilities. Some adaptive swings are chair-like, offering inclusive seating options. Other options include platforms for wheelchairs.

Standing Swings

Offering thrilling experiences, these swings allow users to stand while swinging, often featuring a small platform and handlebars for support.

Options include a natural-looking design with a rope and a small base attached to a wooden frame.


Gliders are an excellent choice for junior playgrounds, allowing young children to socialise and improve their balancing skills as they glide back and forth instead of swinging in an arc.

Rope Swings/Viking Swings

Offering a natural and adventurous experience, these simple swings made of a rope and sometimes a wooden seat vary in size to accommodate different playground sizes and age groups.

Now you know better what swing is best for your playground. If you want to know how to add that to your space design, call us on 0800 000 334 or e-mail [email protected] to start your playground journey with Creo.

How intentional design improves your playground

Making a playground with a purpose and real intention might seem like an obvious option. However, intentional playground design is a specific term we use at Creo to make your space shine and really connect with your purpose, story, and background. These types of playgrounds have the most play value, beauty, and engagement.

In this article, we will cover the main components of a great intentional playground design. If you prefer, watch the video below.

The Essence of Intentional Playground Design

Intentional design starts with a fundamental question: What is the essence of your playground? This is about more than just picking colours or equipment. It is about understanding the narrative you want to integrate into the space you will build.

Our approach is to guide you through this process, helping you choose a theme (be it sensory, accessible, inclusive, nature-focused, sustainable, or a destination playground) and asking the right questions to crystallise your vision into a tangible, delightful reality.

Lorna Irene Reserve Playground
Lorna Irene Reserve Playground, focused on inclusivity to make a playground for the local community.

Key Elements of Intentional Design in Playgrounds

  1. The Story: Every playground tells a story. What’s yours? This is a crucial question in intentional playground design. For a school playground, it might be about embedding learning opportunities and reflecting the school’s brand. For community spaces, it could be about capturing the cultural essence of the area, turning the playground into a hub for communal storytelling and connection.
  2. Accessibility: Inclusivity is at the heart of intentional design. It’s about ensuring that children of all abilities can explore, play, and grow together. This involves thoughtful strategies to create playgrounds that are accessible to everyone, breaking down barriers and fostering a sense of belonging.
  3. Age-Appropriate Equipment: Intentional design also means tailoring the playground to suit its primary users. This involves choosing age-appropriate equipment and balancing the need for safety with the desire for challenging, engaging play experiences.
  4. Purpose-Driven Construction: Every element in an intentionally designed playground serves a purpose, aligning with the specific needs and desires of the community it serves. This could be reflected in case studies of playgrounds built with a clear, community-driven purpose.
Whitikau Reserve, focus on local heritage to increase community engagement.

Benefits of Intentional Design

  1. Enhanced Community Outcomes: Intentional design does more than beautify a space; it transforms it into an important part of the community. These playgrounds become well-used and appreciated extensions of the community, reflecting the collective values and aspirations.
  2. Reflecting Community Voice: A key benefit of intentional design is its ability to incorporate community feedback into the playground’s design, ensuring that the space truly resonates with its users.
  3. Maximizing Play Value: Intentionally designed playgrounds offer a richness of play, learning, and social opportunities, maximising the play value and ensuring a diverse range of experiences for all users.


The philosophy of intentional design in playgrounds is about crafting spaces that are more than the sum of their parts. It’s an invitation to consider these principles in your future playground projects to create spaces that truly reflect the heart and soul of your community.

Give us a call at 0800 000 334 or e-mail [email protected], and our team will guide you to design and build the playground you wish.


Understanding playground compliance

Ensuring the safety and compliance of playgrounds is essential to getting your project approved and
avoiding any surprises along the way, such as not having a sign-off for children to play.
In this article, we will cover the main topics about safety and compliance that you need to be aware
of when building a playground.

General Safety Requirements

First, you need to understand the age you are catering your playground for. Having that in mind, when you engage with a playground company, it will be easier to collaborate and ensure your space can comply with the features you want.

Following the NZS 5828:2015, or knowing the basics of these standards, will help you determine whether you can build everything in your play wish list.

Materials and Construction

The longevity and safety of playground equipment are proportional to the right materials and construction methods used.

Consider where your playground is being built and the purpose you have with it. If you are building a nature playground, make sure you use timber sourced from legal areas also, it will not split or could pose a danger to the user’s health.

These guidelines ensure that playgrounds are fun but also durable and safe.

Installation and Anchorage

Secure installation and anchorage are critical to prevent playground equipment from tipping or moving. The standard provides detailed instructions on anchoring equipment, considering factors like soil type and equipment height.

Each playground has specifics, so engaging experts when choosing your playground equipment is crucial. This step is essential for the stability and safety of the playground.

Safety for Specific Equipment Types

Each type of playground equipment, from swings to slides, has unique safety requirements. The standard addresses these with specific guidelines, such as minimum guardrail heights and safe ladder designs. For example, to ensure a tower is compliant and safe, it must be enclosed if it is higher than 3m.

Slides and Swings with guardrails, enough surface area for fall, and we will cover in the next topic, safety surfacing is essential.

Playground Surfacing

Impact-absorbing surfacing is crucial for reducing injury risk. The standard details the required surfacing materials, like rubber or sand, and their necessary depths based on equipment height.

This is one of the most essential parts of your playground project and will help you determine if costs will be higher or lower than your actual budget.

Wet-pour rubber surfacing can have a shockpad layer that can be adjusted depending on the height of playground equipment. Other cheaper options include sand or wood chips. However, their maintenance costs are higher, and they can fail tests if poorly maintained.

It is also essential to ensure that if you have a bike track in your play area, safety surfacing is required when the track is made of concrete or asphalt.


Ensuring playground safety is a critical responsibility. By adhering to the NZS 5828:2015 standards, playground operators and builders in New Zealand can create spaces that are enjoyable and secure for children.

Understanding and implementing these guidelines is a significant step towards fostering safe and engaging play environments, reducing your costs and will help you understand the actual process of designing your space.

Do you still need to understand what you need for your next project? Give us a call at 0800 000 334 or e-mail [email protected], and our team will guide you to design and build the playground you wish.