Is concrete or wet pour rubber best for your playground?

When you’re planning a playground, one of the biggest decisions you’ll face is choosing the right surface. Concrete and wet-pour rubber are two types of surfacing used in most playgrounds.

Both surfacing types have strengths and different uses, but which is right for you? Let’s help you navigate this choice.

Concrete Surfacing

You might consider concrete because it’s been a staple in play spaces for ages. It can be used on basketball courts and mainly pathways. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Durability and Longevity: It stands the test of time; it might crack, but maintenance is not too costly.
  • Low Maintenance: Once laid, you can mostly forget about it. Washing it from time to time can help you keep its original colour.
  • Cost-Effective: You might find it’s lighter on your wallet over the years. However, it’s essential to be aware of price changes globally. You can currently expect to pay $150-300 per m2.
  • Design Freedom: You can paint, texture, and make it uniquely yours. It adds play value and different types of play for playground users.

The Limitations of Concrete

While concrete is fantastic for pathways and specific areas, it might not be the best for every corner of your playground. Its hard nature can be tough on kids, especially if they fall. Another limitation of concrete is the noise. In closed spaces, the noise will travel and reverberate, not absorbing the noise.

And when wet, it can be a slip hazard. If you’re leaning towards concrete pathways, ensure a safety border for added protection.

Wet Pour Rubber Surfacing

 If you’re looking for something modern, wet pour rubber might be your answer. Here’s why:

  • Safety First: It’s designed to cushion those inevitable falls. It comes with two layers of protection. An underlayer called shock pad, where recycled rubber is installed, and on top, you can have vibrant colours in your space. In sensory areas, wet pour rubber is great for noise absorption, improving the quality of the space.
  • Design Flexibility: You can play with colours and patterns to match your vision. You can add games with rubber surfacing and animal shapes or tell a story to engage its users with other playground features.
  • Resistant: It’s built to withstand the elements and last long. TPV rubber is of high quality and lasts more than ten years. At the end of its use, it can be recycled into new playground surfaces.
  • Cost: For pour and play you can expect different prices depending on the complexity of the work. What we mean by that is how many colours will be mixed, the complexity of patterns and if shockpad is required for fall protection.  Taking that all into account, you can expect prices from $250 to $500 per m2, all dependant on the complexity of your space.

Its versatility means you can maximize your play area without compromising on safety.


Dissavantages of Wet Pour Rubber

While it’s a fantastic option, you should know it comes with a higher upfront cost. And if you don’t opt for TPV, the vibrant colours might fade over time.

But with TPV, you can ensure your playground remains colourful for years with its UV protection and high-quality manufacturing.

Wet pour rubber provides safety all around.

Which One's for You?

Choosing the best surface for your playground combines practicality and vision. They can both be used in the same space and have different applications.

Concrete, with its durability and design versatility, has been a trusted choice for many, especially in urban spaces and pathways.

Wet-pour rubber safety features, design flexibility, and environmental friendliness make it a favourite.

Whether it’s the classic appeal of concrete or the innovative charm of wet-pour rubber, your choice should prioritize the safety and joy of every child.

Read our portfolio below if you want to get ideas for your next surfacing project. Or if you are ready to take the next step, call us on 0800 000 334 or book a site visit.

Locally Built vs. Imported Playground Equipment

When it comes to setting up a playground, the equipment you choose plays a very important role. The differences of selecting between locally built and imported playground equipment can be complicated, but understanding these differences is crucial.

After all, the right equipment can transform an ordinary playground into a magical space for children.

Locally Built Playground Equipment

When we mention locally built equipment, it refers to companies that use raw materials and expertise found in the same area. These pieces of equipment often incorporate local materials, showcasing unique design aesthetics that resonate with the community’s heritage and values.


  • Lead time: Locally built playground equipment offers a distinct advantage: quicker delivery. Projects stay on track without international shipping or customs delays, ensuring timely setups and easier adjustments.
  • Cultural Resonance: Local companies can craft equipment that connects with the community and better tell a story. These pieces will add value to your space and ensure that your playground is engaging and fosters learning.
  • Customization: Local companies offer the flexibility to tweak designs, ensuring they align perfectly with community needs. You can always improve your equipment design as time goes by without losing its meaning.
  • Costs: Local playground companies can offer better pricing than overseas companies as they rely on local raw materials, and there is no need for long-distance shipping. Also they can create unique equipment that fits your budget.
  • Maintenance: With local expertise around the corner, repairs and maintenance become a breeze.
Creo warehouse builds custom and bespoke playground equipment.

Imported Playground Equipment

Imported playground equipment brings global designs to your doorstep. These pieces, usually sourced from Europe, introduce unique aesthetics influenced by international trends.


  • A World of Design: Imported playground equipment offers a range of styles and designs sourced from global trends.
    This ensures that every playground can have a distinct and refreshing look, setting it apart from the usual and offering children a unique play experience.
  • Economies of Scale: By leveraging mass production, manufacturers can produce high-quality playground equipment at reduced costs.
    This efficiency in production means communities can access premium designs without stretching their budgets, ensuring value for money. However, their costs are still quite high due to shipping costs.

Check our range of playground equipment.


  • Environmental Concerns: Transporting playground equipment from overseas means longer lead times, which can have a higher carbon footprint.
    This extended transportation process and potential differences in manufacturing standards can raise environmental sustainability questions.
  • Cultural Fit: While imported equipment can be visually appealing, it might not always align with local cultural values or aesthetics.
    There’s a risk that specific designs may not resonate or feel familiar to local children, impacting their engagement.
  • Maintenance: When equipment is sourced from overseas, there can be challenges in maintenance.
    Finding specific replacement parts or experts familiar with the design can be more difficult, potentially leading to more extended downtimes or higher repair costs.

Weighing the Options: Local vs. Imported

The equipment should foster a sense of belonging and community engagement, whether local or imported. Make sure it is inclusive and has maximum play value.


It’s essential to weigh the environmental footprints of both options. While local equipment might reduce carbon footprint, imported equipment can do more damage with international shipping.

Economic Considerations

While initial costs are a factor, consider the long-term community benefits, from job creation with local equipment to supporting local growth.

Safety and Compliance

Overseas-sourced equipment may not fit NZ standards, making compliance harder and more expensive. Local companies start with that in mind.

Making an Informed Decision

Choosing between locally built and imported playground equipment is more than a design decision. It’s about aligning with community values, considering environmental implications, and ensuring it fits into your budget.

Both options have benefits, but the key is evaluating their long-term impact on the community.

Read our portfolio below to get ideas for your next surfacing project. Or, if you are ready to take the next step, call us on 0800 000 334 or book a site visit.

Does wet pour rubber surfacing get hot?


Wet-pour rubber surfacing is the go-to choice for many schools, early learning centres and public spaces. Its smooth finish, customisable designs, and durability make it a favourite.

However, wet pour rubber’s primary concern is whether it gets hot. This article will answer this question and give you a few tips on preventing such a problem.

Does wet pour rubber gets hot?

Like many surfaces, wet pour rubber is not immune to the effects of the sun. Its temperature can vary based on several factors, including the intensity and duration of sunlight it receives.

In regions experiencing hot summers or those located closer to the equator, prolonged sun exposure can inevitably cause the surface to warm up. However, it’s worth noting that while wet pour rubber may retain some heat, it doesn’t tend to become as scorching as alternatives like asphalt or metal.

Is it safe when it's hot?

The safety of wet pour rubber is not only about its temperature but also chemical stability under heat. Rosehill TPV, supplied by Creo, is a non-toxic material. It doesn’t contain harmful materials such as nitrate and sulphur compounds, being safe for the environment and native life.

But physical comfort is another concern. Like any other surface, care is necessary when playing on these surfaces. It is entirely safe if users take care when walking on these surfaces.

How to prevent it from getting hot: The warmth of a wet-pour rubber surface can be mitigated with a bit of foresight and strategic planning.

Choosing the right colours: In areas without shade, consider installing lighter colours to prevent heat absorption. Leave darker colours for shaded areas where heat absorption is lower.

Shading: Well-designed play areas balance open spaces with shaded regions. Utilising trees, overhead canopies, or sail shades can keep wet pour rubber surfaces comfortably cool.

This ensures comfort and extends the installation’s life by reducing UV wear. Choosing high-quality rubber, like TPV, is essential when maintaining the surface colour.


Is it eco-friendly?

This surface is not just about aesthetics and functionality; it has a green side, too. A significant portion of wet pour rubber is made from recycled tire rubber. This gives old materials new life and contributes to a more sustainable construction approach.

The material’s porous nature also ensures efficient water drainage, reducing puddle formation and improving stormwater management.

Aorangi School wet pour rubber surfacing includes sculptures.
Aorangi School, Rotorua. Designed and built by Creo with Wet Pour Rubber Surfacing.


Wet-pour rubber has rightfully claimed its place in modern playground design. While it’s essential to acknowledge and prepare for its potential to warm up under intense sunlight, just like any other type of surfacing, its advantages in safety, aesthetics, and environmental impact cannot be understated.

By integrating preventive measures like shade and colour choice and recognising the material’s green credentials, playgrounds can offer fun and safety, regardless of the soaring temperatures outside.


Read our portfolio below if you want to get ideas for your next surfacing project. Or if you are ready to take the next step, call us on 0800 000 334 or book a site visit.

Surface options for your childcare playground

Childcare is a space for children to learn, grow, and, of course, have fun. Choosing your childcare playground surface is one of the steps to ensure the space is excellent.  

If you’re looking at an upgrade, you’re in the right place. From traditional to modern options, we’ll guide you through the many options, ensuring your space is fun, safe, and functional.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Surfaces for Childcare

  • Safety: The well-being of the children is extremely important. Surfaces like wet pour rubber are designed with slip-resistant properties, cushioning for falls, and are made from non-toxic materials.
  • Hygiene: A clean play area is a healthy play area. While natural surfaces have their appeal, they can be challenging to maintain. Opt for surfaces that resist dirt and are easy to clean.
  • Durability: Children are energetic! Ensure your chosen surface can withstand their endless energy and frequent use.
  • Aesthetics: A playground should be a feast for the eyes. Choose colours and textures that captivate young minds.
  • Cost: Investing in quality now can save costs in the long run. However, always aim for a balance between quality and budget.

Indoor Play Areas

Safety is essential when it comes to playground equipment. New Zealand standards, like any other, change over time. If your playground equipment has been around for a while, it might not align with the latest safety guidelines.

You will need careful evaluation of your equipment against current standards. Sometimes, this might mean making significant modifications or, in rare cases, deciding that it’s best not to reuse a particular piece due to compliance issues.

Outdoor Play Areas

  • Grass: The feeling of natural grass is undeniable. However, it requires regular maintenance and can be a haven for insects. Its suitability depends on the nature of your childcare space.
  • Poured Rubber: This surface is a canvas for creativity. From vibrant animals to educational numbers, it adds immense play value. It’s safe, inclusive, and while it’s an initial investment, its longevity and minimal maintenance make it a top choice. It’s also versatile, perfect for mounds and uneven terrains.
  • Artificial Turf: A more budget-friendly alternative to grass and poured rubber. It’s clean, low-maintenance, and offers a consistent look year-round. However, integrating it with natural features can be challenging and doesn’t provide the same safety cushioning as poured rubber.
  • PermaPlay: The best of both worlds. It combines the safety cushioning of recycled rubber with the lush green appearance of grass, offering a natural look without compromising safety.
  • Wood Chips or Mulch: They provide an earthy, natural feel to play areas. They’re cost-effective but come with challenges, such as potential splinters and the need for regular replenishment.
  • Sand: Sandpits are playground staples, offering endless imaginative and sensory play opportunities. However, they can attract animals and might conceal hazardous objects. Regular maintenance and checks are crucial.
  • Concrete: Often used for bike tracks and pathways, concrete is durable and easy to maintain. However, it’s imperative to have safety fall zones around concrete areas, which can limit available play space.

Final Thoughts

Your childcare space reflects your commitment to children’s growth and safety. Suitable surfacing can enhance play, safety, and learning, whether working in a cozy corner or a sprawling area. 

Mix and match surfaces to create diverse play zones and prioritize safety, hygiene, and aesthetics. After all, a well-thought-out playground is where memories are made, and dreams are born.

Read our portfolio below if you want to know more and get inspired. Or if you are ready to decide, call us on 0800 000 334 or book a site visit.

Can you reuse your existing playground equipment on a new project?

Playground equipment plays a significant role in our communities, providing spaces for children to explore, learn, and create memories.

As the need arises to update or redesign these spaces, many wonder, “Can I reuse playground equipment in my new playground or project update?”.

This article answers this question, offering insights to guide your decisions for the community’s benefit.

Working with Your Existing Playground Equipment

Reusing playground equipment is not just about saving costs or being environmentally conscious; it’s about preserving memories and ensuring continuity.

The main reasons to reuse your playground equipment could be:

  1. They are still in a good state of preservation. It is a great way to keep your project costs down if you have considerably new equipment that can be recycled.
  2. Only minor upgrades are needed. For example, if the base or some chains are broken, these fixes can be done without much effort.
  3. Legacy. Maybe you have a great piece of equipment that has a symbolic value to the local community. In that case, using the old equipment is a great way to pay respect to the memories built there. Even if it cannot be recycled, it can become a sculpture and add to the value of your space.

At Creo, we don’t just look at the physical state of your equipment. We assess its quality, relevance, and how it fits into the new design.

We aim to ensure that if a piece of equipment has a place in your new space, it’s integrated seamlessly and effectively.


Safety is essential when it comes to playground equipment. New Zealand standards, like any other, change over time. If your playground equipment has been around for a while, it might not align with the latest safety guidelines.

You will need careful evaluation of your equipment against current standards. Sometimes, this might mean making significant modifications or, in rare cases, deciding that it’s best not to reuse a particular piece due to compliance issues.

Play Value: More Than Just Fun

When we talk about the play value of playground equipment, we’re referring to its range of features and the benefits it provides to children.

It’s not just about fun; it’s about development, learning, and growth. If you’re considering reusing equipment, it must be packed with features that add the most value.

Inclusivity also is a crucial aspect of modern playgrounds. Ensuring that children of all abilities can engage, socialise, and feel integrated into the space enhances play value and fosters community spirit.

Getting New Equipment: A Fresh Start

While there’s a charm in preserving the old, sometimes the best way forward is to start anew. If a piece of playground equipment has stood the test of time, it might be worth keeping it as a legacy piece—a nod to the past and a story for future generations. 

However, new equipment comes with its set of advantages. It guarantees compliance with the latest standards, offers enhanced play value, and ensures inclusivity.

Plus, with local manufacturers like Creo, you can have the equipment tailored to your specific needs and vision.

Read more: How to budget for your playground equipment

The Pros and Cons of Reusing Playground Equipment


  • Cost-Effective: Reusing equipment can lead to significant savings.
  • Sustainability: It’s an eco-friendly choice, reducing waste and the need for new materials.
  • Preservation: Keeping older equipment can maintain a sense of history and continuity in a community space.


  • Safety Concerns: Older equipment might not meet current NZ standards.
  • Limited Play Value: As play trends evolve, older equipment might not offer the same engagement levels as newer designs.
  • Maintenance: Older equipment might require more frequent repairs or modifications.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, upgrading your playground is a delicate balance of managing the budget while delivering a space where children play and have fun.

While considering old equipment showcases a sustainable approach, it’s vital to remain open to new equipment’s possibilities and the enhancements it can bring to your space.

If you can have an environment where memories are forged and everyone feels included, you’ve achieved the ultimate goal.

Read our portfolio below if you want to know more and get inspired. Or if you are ready to decide, call us on 0800 000 334 or book a site visit.

5 Reasons You Should Install Shade in Your Childcare Playground

Sand pits are present in adventure playground design.

Elevating Your Playground with Shade

When planning or upgrading your childcare playground, one element stands out as both functional and essential: shade. 

While it adds beauty and style to the space, its primary role is ensuring children’s and teachers’ safety and comfort.

From trendy shade sails to classic umbrellas and chic pergolas, there’s a shade solution tailored for every playground style.  We will show you in this article 5 reasons why you need shade in your childcare playground.

1. Protection from Sun and Rain

Too much sun can harm the little ones, making shading crucial. While we appreciate sunny days for mood lift and vitamin D, prolonged exposure can pose risks, especially during peak hours.

Installing shade provides a refuge from the sun’s intensity and offers a shield during unexpected rain showers, ensuring uninterrupted play.

2. Keeping Surfaces Cool

Direct sunlight can quickly heat playground surfaces, turning slides, swings, and other equipment into potential burn hazards.

By introducing shade, you mitigate this risk, ensuring every touch and slide is a pleasant experience for the kids.

3. Shade Extends the Life of Your Equipment

Your playground equipment is an investment; like all investments, it deserves protection. Continuous exposure to the elements, especially the sun, can accelerate wear and tear.

Shade structures act as a protective barrier, prolonging the lifespan of your equipment and ensuring it remains vibrant and inviting.

Natural elements are great for shade in childcare playgrounds
Natural elements are great for shade in childcare playgrounds

4. Low Maintenance, More Play

Modern shade structures are designed to withstand time with minimal upkeep. Once installed, they consistently perform their protective role.

It allows you to focus on other aspects of playground management and childcare. Also, choosing the right shade for your space will help you maintain the whole area with more ease from the elements.

5. Shade Enhances Playground Looks

Beyond functionality, shade structures contribute significantly to the visual appeal of a playground.

With many designs, materials, and colours available, you can find the perfect shade that complements and elevates your playground’s overall design.

Conclusion: The Multifaceted Benefits of Shade

So, there you have it. Adding shade to your childcare playground isn’t just a design choice; it’s a statement that says you care about safety, longevity, and style.

Next time you consider childcare playground upgrades, remember the many hats shade wears – protector, cooler, and style enhancer.

Read our portfolio below if you want to know more and get inspired. Or if you are ready to decide, call us on 0800 000 334 or book a site visit.

Modular Play Equipment: How to make the most of it.

The Magic of Modular Play Equipment

Have you ever wondered how modular play equipment can revolutionise your playground? As the world of play evolves, so does the equipment we use.

Modular play equipment offers a fresh, customisable, and inclusive approach to playground design. In this article, we’ll dive deep into the many benefits it brings to the table.

Maximising Play Value with Modular Design

One of the standout features of modular equipment is its ability to maximise play value. With traditional playgrounds, you’re often limited by space and design. However, modular play equipment changes the game. Here’s how:

  • Space Saving Solutions: Modular play allows you to add different features even in limited spaces. Whether you have a compact urban playground or a sprawling suburban one, there’s a modular solution for you.
  • Customizable Configurations: Every playground is unique, and modular equipment respects that. You can configure pieces to suit your playground type, ensuring they remain relevant and engaging.
  • Inclusivity at its Best: Modular equipment can easily be integrated with natural play elements, creating an inclusive environment for children of all abilities. It can even be built out of timber or wooden logs.
  • Themed Adventures: From pirate ships to incredible towers or castles, modular play equipment can be tailored to various themes, making playtime an immersive experience.

Budget-Friendly and Versatile

The beauty of modular equipment is its adaptability to small and large budgets. Whether you want to add a simple slide or a multi-tiered climbing structure, there’s a modular option.

Plus, the endless possibilities include tracks, slides, ropes, panels, hammocks, and sensory play elements.

Diverse Play Options for Every Child

Modular equipment is as diverse as you want it to be. With the capacity of adding different elements to your space, therefore adding play value. Check some of them out:

  • Climbing Challenges: Every skill level has a climbing challenge, from rock walls to rope ladders. As they have different heights, children can challenge their skills as they grow or go up.
  • Sensory Exploration: Panels, hammocks, and sensory play elements cater to children of all ages and abilities, fostering not only inclusion but also learning.
  • Elevated Excitement: Different heights, monkey bars, transitions, slides, tunnels, and towers ensure there’s never a dull moment.
  • Balancing Acts: Balance beams, overheads, and access decks test and develop a child’s coordination and balance.
Modular Play Equipment made of timber.
Whitikau Reserve, Modular equipment to foster local heritage.

Managed Risk for Skill Development

Playgrounds are not just about fun; they’re also about skill development. Modular equipment offers different challenges, ensuring children can push their boundaries in a safe environment.

From simple slides for the little ones to intricate climbing challenges for the older kids, a managed risk element aids in their physical and cognitive development.

Conclusion: The Future for Modular Play Equipment

Its versatility, inclusivity, and adaptability make it a top choice for modern playgrounds. With its many different features, it can be included in all kinds of outdoor or indoor spaces.

At Creo, If you are looking for modular play equipment and need a full-service playground company to handle your equipment’s design, manufacturing, and installation, we are ready to guide you through the process. Check our full range of equipment here or call us on 0800 000 334.

How much does a childcare playground cost in 2023?

A childcare playground is not just an area for kids to play; it’s a place for learning and is essential for early childhood development.

Constructing this unique space requires careful planning and budgeting, from design to installation and safety parameters.

Here, we break down the steps to what goes into building such a space and how costs vary based on your choices.

The actual costs of a childcare playground

If you landed on this article, you’re preparing for a childcare playground update or building a new one and need to know how to budget for it.

As a full-service playground company, we’ll guide and work with you from idea to completion of your space.

Understanding the costs: Every childcare playground is unique. Whether you have a vast expanse or a compact area, the goal is to optimise it for children’s play and learning.

This can drive costs up or down and influence your entire design.

Breaking Down the Costs: Now that you know how your childcare playground will be laid out, costs can range from $400 to $1000 per m2.

It’s a considerable bracket to consider, but we’ll discuss the specifics in the topics below. Just scroll down, and we’ll show you how to make the most of your play space budget with features, landscaping, and making the most of your area.

A childcare playground can have tunnels, mound and tracks.
WanaExcel, an Early Childhood Centre designed and built by Creo.

Site Preparation: Laying the Foundation

Before diving into the fun stuff, the site requires careful preparation. Let’s address some common concerns:

  • Do existing structures and surfaces need removal? If there are old elements on the site, their removal and disposal could impact your project’s cost.
  • Are there drainage problems or hidden utilities? If drainage issues or concealed electrical or plumbing lines exist, we’ll collaborate with you to address them.
  • Will trees and their roots be beneficial or problematic? While trees add aesthetic value and shade, their roots can present challenges for surfacing and installation.
  • How easily can equipment access the site? Easily accessible sites for machinery and trucks can lead to time and cost savings.
  • Is pedestrian safety ensured during construction? Securing walkways or installing temporary fences might incur added costs but are crucial for safety.
  • Will the project unfold in phases? A staged development approach can influence both costs and timelines, offering a budget-friendly option for some.

Childcare Playground Design

Your childcare playground design begins with your vision. The features you desire and what’s currently in your playground will help us craft the narrative of your childcare playground. For instance, remember the necessary safety fall zones if a concrete bike track is desired.

Materials like wet-pour rubber can be more economical and space-saving. Throughout the design process, we’ll collaborate to ensure all these considerations come to life without compromising play value.

Surfacing for your Childcare Playground

The childcare playground surface encompasses more than aesthetics; it addresses safety, functionality, and budgetary concerns.

Blending different surfaces, like a sandpit with grass areas, can offer varied play experiences and potentially help manage your budget.

Using safety surfacing in strategic areas, such as tracks and mounds, can eliminate the need for extra space that concrete requires for safety zones.

Check our surfacing equipment options here.

Equipment & Features

Selecting equipment is about finding the right balance between budget and functionality. While slides, swings, and seesaws remain classic favourites, sometimes more straightforward, unprescribed play features and low-height equipment are more suitable for a childcare playground.

Elements like tunnels, mounds, and sensory paths can captivate children and often come with a more appealing price tag.

Check Creo full equipment range here.


Shading is a must, especially during the hotter months. While designing shade sails up to 50m is typically straightforward, incorporating natural options like trees is aesthetically appealing but may pose challenges related to surfacing and maintenance.


Landscaping breathes life into the childcare playground. Whether establishing a garden, embedding vegetable patches, or integrating existing vegetation, a well-landscaped childcare playground is cost-effective and visually compelling.

Plan and Develop in Stages

Not every childcare playground needs to materialise all at once. For those mindful of their budget, phased development can be a strategic choice. 

Start with foundational elements and gradually introduce new features, ensuring each phase offers a fulfilling play experience.

Final Thoughts on Childcare Playground: The True Value of Play

There are myriad elements to consider when allocating funds for your childcare playground, and many factors can significantly adjust your project’s final price tag.

With careful planning, your dream space can emerge—a haven where children can have fun, learn, and cultivate their development.

We aim to guide you through the process without unwelcome surprises. To ensure you’re well-prepared, take a moment to consider which factors will most impact your space.

Ready to chat? Book a site visit here or call us at 0800 000 334.

5 Ideas to Attract More People to Your Playground

Playground, as vibrant community space, irresistibly draw people in. With their energy, laughter, and cherished memories, they naturally bridge communities.

So, how can we ensure that a playground doesn’t merely exist but genuinely thrives and anchors the community?

Let’s journey together through five dynamic strategies to magnify your playground’s charm and draw.

Community Engagement

Every playground mirrors the heartbeat of its community. To make sure it deeply connects with everyone:

  • Engage the Community: Before you roll out any changes, rally the locals in community meetings. This proactive step lets you tap into the community’s pulse, gather insights, and weave those aspirations into the very fabric of your playground’s design.
  • Forge Local Ties: Think schools, clubs, or even weekend hobby groups. These local establishments can be goldmines of collaboration. Teaming up for joint events can inject variety and ensure a consistent influx of visitors.
  • Embrace an Open Door: Especially for playgrounds within school grounds, opening up post-school hours can cement community bonds. This inclusive approach ensures a diverse mix of visitors, enriching the playground’s ambiance.

Host Dynamic Events & Activities at your Playground

Breaking the myth: playgrounds aren’t just for the young ones.

  • Create for Everyone: Why not host an eclectic mix of events like open-air art classes or starlit movie nights? Imagine transforming your playground with monthly food fests, making it a buzzing family hangout.
  • Sprinkle Some Art: Art has a magic touch. Rally local artists to paint murals or set up sculptures, infusing uniqueness and color into the area.
  • Breathe Life with Performances: Scheduled events, whether they’re musical evenings or dance lessons, breathe life into the play space. Engaging the community in these events also lets them shape the playground’s evolving identity.

Playground Aesthetics & Amenities Upgrades

The visual magic of your playground can be its biggest draw:

  • Green it Up: Pondering an upgrade? Dive into landscaping. Lush greens, paired with cozy seating, can massively uplift your playground’s visual magnetism.

Learn more about the costs of a playground: The Real Cost of Building a Playground in 2023

  • Prioritize Comfort: Slide in must-have amenities such as sparkling restrooms, water stations, or perhaps a quaint café corner. When visitors find comfort, they linger longer.

Thoughtful Playground Design from Day One

If you’re at the drawing board, holistic design thinking can be your game-changer:

  • Design with Everyone in Mind: An all-encompassing design factors in every potential visitor. From varied play equipment to shady relaxation zones, the focus remains on catering to every age and ability, sealing the playground’s success. Learn more about inclusivity here.


Elevating a playground transcends aesthetics. It hinges on crafting a welcoming space that pulls communities closer and promises something for everyone. 

Need some more ideas?
16 Things that Make up a Great Playground Design
What are the features of a good playground design in 2023?

As you pour thought, effort, and resources into your playground’s design, you’re not just building a play area but nurturing a thriving community heartbeat.