What are the problems with a thematic playground design, and how can we fix it?

A thematic playground design can be an excellent option for your space, offering kids a unique and imaginative play experience.

But without the proper planning, that dream playground can quickly become a design nightmare.

If you’re considering a themed playground, let’s explore the ins and outs to ensure your space is fun and functional.

What is a Thematic Playground Design?

Thematic playgrounds are play spaces that revolve around a specific theme or concept, designed to provide children with a more immersive and imaginative play experience.

These themes can be based on a variety of topics, such as literature, nature, history, fantasy, adventure, and many others. The chosen theme influences the playground’s design, equipment, and features.

Thematic Playground Design done right at Whitikau Reserve. Waka, river and heritage.
A good example on how to build a playground with a theme at Whitikau Reserve.

How can Thematic Playground Design can be problematic?

Relevance Concerns

Pop culture is everchanging. Today’s superhero sensation might be tomorrow’s old news. A playground themed after fleeting trends might not stand the test of time.

Moreover, as neighbourhoods evolve, a theme once loved might no longer strike a chord. It’s like choosing a permanent tattoo based on a temporary mood.

Overemphasis on Theme

 We’ve all seen it—playgrounds so dedicated to their theme that they forget their primary purpose: play. A dragon-themed slide is cool, but not if it’s too steep or scary for the little ones.


Playgrounds should be inviting. Something is wrong if a child needs a map to navigate it or feels overwhelmed with too many structures. Simple joys often matter most.

Incoherent Storytelling

A story with too many twists can be confusing. Similarly, a playground with a mixed bag of themes feels scattered. And a scattered playground can lead to a scattered play experience.

Limited Play Value

Beauty without purpose is hollow. If we get caught up in making the playground look good but forget its function, we risk disappointing its primary audience: the kids.

How to Make a Thematic Playground a Great Space

Community Engagement

Before setting pencil to paper, talk to the community. Understand their stories, values, and dreams.

They can offer insights that make your playground resonate deeply and remain cherished for years.

Educational Potential

Beyond play, playgrounds can be classrooms under the open sky. Imagine a playground that looks like a medieval castle—while children play, they also learn about ancient history. Or a playground resembling a tropical jungle, sparking curiosity about wildlife and ecosystems.

Unique Designs

Every playground should have its charm. You can turn your playground into a beloved local landmark by introducing bespoke designs—maybe a unique tower or a whimsical sculpture.

Diverse Equipment

Stories have characters, settings, and plots. Similarly, a playground should have varied equipment, each telling a part of the story.

From swings and seesaws to mazes and climbing nets, a range of equipment can cater to kids’ diverse interests.

Age Considerations

Themes should be broad enough to attract all age groups. While a fairyland might captivate toddlers, adventure or mystery themes might be more appealing to older kids.


Everyone deserves to play. Your thematic playground should be accessible and enjoyable for children of all abilities.

Ramps, sensory elements, and varied equipment can ensure no one feels left out.

Immersive Play

Deep immersion means that when children step into the playground, they feel like they’ve entered a new world.

Every corner should spark curiosity, every element should tie back to the theme, and the play should feel like an adventure.


Creating a thematic playground design is like writing a story; it needs heart, creativity, and an understanding of its audience. 

While the path has challenges, the destination—a fun, engaging, and imaginative space for children—is worth every effort.

So, as you set out to design your playground, keep these tips in hand and remember that every good story and playground begins with a spark of imagination.

What is the best Early Childhood Education playground equipment?

Early childhood education is crucial for children’s development. In these formative years, they cultivate skills that influence their behavioural and motor abilities.

Whether you’re a teacher, an ECE manager, or a business administrator, this article will guide you through the best playground equipment to enhance children’s learning and development.

Principles of Early Childhood Education Learning

Play isn’t just fun and games—it’s at the core of early learning. Have you ever paused to think about why? The answer lies in understanding the principles of learning.

Firstly, children are active learners. Picture a child in a playground. They aren’t just standing around; they’re on the move!

Touching the sand, scaling the play structures, experimenting with how things work. They have the spirit and essence of hands-on learning because learning is not a passive act for them.

They don’t just absorb; they engage, dive in, and participate.

Imagine a puzzle. Every tiny piece connects to another, forming a coherent picture. Similarly, all areas of development in a child are interconnected.

When a child begins to speak more, their ability to think and reason out also sharpens.

Learning is social. Remember the time you learned the most? Was it when you were alone or when you interacted with others?

Moreover, learning is also socialising. Through interactions, whether it’s with parents, teachers, or colleagues, children grasp the nuances of emotions and relationships.

It’s crucial to understand that children learn at different rates.

Just as every individual is unique, their pace of learning varies. And these early experiences? They’re profound, leaving a lasting impact on their adult lives.

Thus, the significance of positive, enriching early experiences cannot be stressed enough.

Lastly, just as you appreciate a consistent routine in your life, children thrive on it too. Routine brings predictability and security, forming the building blocks of learning.

Early Childhood Education play spaces spark creativity and imagination.
Early Childhood Education play spaces spark creativity and imagination.

Playground Equipment for Early Childhood Education

Let’s talk specifics.

  • Communication Playground Equipment: Instruments, interactive panels, and toys that beckon a child to engage.

Imagine a xylophone in a playground that allows a child to create music and encourages interaction with peers.

  • Sensory Play for Early Childhood Education: Consider equipment that plays with the senses. Textured pathways, fragrant flowers, balance beams, and spinners foster cognitive and motor skill development.
  • Sand Play: While sand pits are a staple in many ECE centres, their potential is often untapped. Introduce mud kitchens, unique toys, and captivating patterns to up the ante and see engagement soar.
  • Colourful Play: The colours of the rainbow can stimulate cognitive growth. Incorporate colourful blocks, paint the playground floor with interactive games, and watch as children get drawn to them.
  • Natural Play: Bring children a step closer to Mother Earth. Consider planting a butterfly garden, introducing log balance beams, or even a small fishpond.

These natural elements teach children about the environment while nurturing their sense of wonder.

Crafting Spaces that Speak to the Child's Expectations

The design of a space holds the power to transform learning. Imagine a playground surface painted with educational games or vibrant patterns; it instantly doubles as a learning tool.

 Mounds in the play area can pose a delightful challenge for kids, while tunnels and climbing options introduce the concepts of risk and problem-solving.

These elements, while fun, are integral to making children more resilient and adept at overcoming obstacles.

The Final Word: Size Doesn’t Matter, Intent Does

Building a playground that’s a hub of learning doesn’t necessarily demand a vast space or a monumental budget.

The ideas shared here can seamlessly integrate into a grand vision or even a modest upgrade. Remember, it’s not about how grand the play space is but how well it aligns with the principles of learning and children’s innate curiosity.

Because in the world of ECE, every slide, swing, and sandbox is a door to a universe of learning. So, are you ready to open those doors wide?

If you’d like to talk to someone about a future project or would like a concept designed for your space, give us a call at 0800 000 334, or book a 15-minute ideas session with one of our consultants.

The Approach of a Full Service Playground Company

Full Service Design and Build companies work with you from concept.

When planning the ideal playground, the comprehensive services of a full service design and build playground company stand out.

Their expertise spans the initial brainstorming phase to the final installation, ensuring every playground blends fun, safety, and functionality. Here, at Creo, our full service design and build knowledge guide you from concept to delivery, managing the whole process of your playground. 

In this article, we will cover what these types of companies do and explain why they are a cost-effective choice when planning a playground.

The Consultation Process: Laying the Foundation

The consultation is the first step with a full-service design and build playground company. This is where your vision starts to take shape.

The main difference between full service and other styles of playground builders is their expertise in the specifics of a play area and how the principles of play can be covered.


 Understand the importance of assessing the specific needs of different entities, be it schools, municipalities, or private organisations.

A comprehensive company will know how to cater for your space. All you need is to bring an idea, a wish list, and a budget.

Custom Design

Full-service playground design and build companies use modern technology to provide 3D renderings and virtual walkthroughs, turning your dream into a visual reality.

Through that, it is easy to understand the story you want to tell through the playground and the features it will have on it. Adding to storytelling is custom-built playground equipment specially designed for a specific area.

Full Service Design and Build companies work with you from concept.
Bespoke and unique items can be included in a full service design.

Elevating the Experience: Beyond the Basics

Many companies offer additional services to enhance the overall playground experience. Some companies may focus on landscape design, others will heavily rely on playground equipment. But each part of your play space is important and should be considered.


Often overlooked, landscape design is fundamental when planning your play space. A full service playground design and build company adds this into the design.

A thoughtful landscape design can add play value and sensory play for its users. Flowers and native plants can be great for learning and relaxation.

Inclusivity and Accessibility

Play should be available for all. An inclusive playground integrates the possibility for children of all abilities to play and socialise in its design. Play equipment that caters not only for one but for all users.

Read more: Inclusive Playgrounds

Bespoke Designs

Many playground companies need to outsource their production, unable to work on bespoke items that can stand out. A full service playground design and build company can design items, such as towers with unique features and add more play value to the equipment and your whole space design. 

Understanding the principle of play, bespoke designs can make a difference in destination playgrounds.

Planning Your Playground: Key Considerations

Every playground project has its unique challenges. Let’s understand the factors that influence its success.


Understanding your budget is of great importance. A comprehensive understanding of where the money goes and when will ensure that your budget is maximised.

Read our series on budget:
Site Prep.




Space Utilisation

Smart use of the space can add play value and support the design aesthetic.

Age-Specific Designs

The area where the playground is installed affects your project’s features. For early childhood centres, the focus will be on learning and challenging toddlers to develop essential skills.

 As children grow older, risk assessments and learning features must be added. Parents and grandparents should also be considered in the design for seating, collaborative play and exercise equipment.

Full Service playground design and build company can work from surface to playground equipment manufacturing.
Elm Park School. A Full Service design and build project from Creo.

Staying Updated: Embracing Playground Trends

The world of playgrounds is ever-evolving. Let’s explore the latest trends that are making waves.

Nature Play

The trend of integrating natural elements into playground designs is more than just a fad; it promotes holistic development and children’s engagement. As well as adding play value and unique design to your space.

Interactive Elements

The modern playground is a blend of physical, mental, and digital play, with interactive elements ensuring children are engaged and challenged in diverse ways.

Safety First: Building with Care

Safety and understanding compliance can become handy when dealing with a company that works with you from concept to installation. Reducing the costs or surprises that can arise in the project’s future.

Compliance with Standards

A specialised playground company understands the standards and compliance requirements from equipment, site and design. With these in mind, there are reduced risks of having surprises with your budget having to be stretched.

Material Selection

Depending on the area where the playground will be built, some materials perform better than others. For example, if the space is in a region with heavy downpours, rubber surfacing can be better than bark or grass, ensuring drainage is installed.

Installation: Bringing the Vision to Life

The installation phase is where your playground starts to materialise. Let’s break down the steps involved.

Site Preparation

 Understand the intricacies of preparing the site, from clearing to ensuring proper drainage. A full service playground design will consider where your playground is located. 

If it is a public area, there is the likelihood that underground cables or pipes will be something to remove or be replaced. Removing existing natural obstacles is also part of the site preparation to make the work as smooth as possible.

Equipment Installation

Experts in equipment installation and manufacturing, a full service playground company understands how to install the equipment to reduce costs and make the equipment last longer.

Surfacing Choices

This part is already considered in the design process. However, there are three different main choices for surfacing. 

Wet pour rubber is a non-toxic material that lasts for over 20 years, depending on the place of installation. 

Woodchip is a cheaper option initially, but it can cost more in the long run as it needs to be replaced occasionally. 

Grass, the old good natural grass, is excellent for some areas of playgrounds, but be aware that in spaces of high traffic, it can be easily damaged.

Final thoughts on Full Service Playground Design and Build

Choosing a full-service playground design and build company is more than just a decision; it is an investment in quality, safety, and innovation. 

Such companies bring a wealth of knowledge, ensuring that every playground they craft meets and exceeds expectations.

From the initial consultation to the final touches, their comprehensive approach ensures that every detail is meticulously planned and executed. 

Whether integrating the latest trends or ensuring inclusivity, their expertise shines through in every project.

As playgrounds evolve, partnering with a full-service company guarantees a space that will delight, educate, and inspire for years.

If you’d like to talk to someone about a future project or would like a concept designed for your space, give us a call at 0800 000 334, or book a 15-minute ideas session with one of our consultants.

What are the features of a good playground design in 2023?

Aorangi School wet pour rubber surfacing includes sculptures.

You could be looking to build your playground now or want to know more about what goes into playground design in 2023. Look no further.

In this article, we will tell you all the main things you need to consider when considering a playspace design.

The Essentials of Play

Play Value

Play value can be divided into many concepts, but in essence, it tells how much a playground or playground equipment can add as a fun, learning and inclusive feature. The more play value you add, the more engagement you will gain.

A good playground design should include high play value items to be a place for learning and social development, not just fun.

More info on Play Value:

What is Play Value?

Low Play Value Equipment? How To Improve Your Playground


By combining structured and unstructured play areas, playgrounds offer familiarity and room for new adventures.

Ultimately, replayability in playground design means creating evolving spaces that continually engage and inspire children.

Thoughtful playground design in 2023 allow for many ways of play.
Cornwall Park, Hastings. Design and Built by Creo.

Designing the Space

The Art of Playground Design

A playground’s layout is its narrative. It guides children through interconnected experiences, from central castle structures branching out into themed areas to winding paths that encourage exploration and collaboration. A meticulous and detailed design will ensure that every feature in your playground has a meaning.

Natural Elements

 Nature is the best playground. Modern designs integrate gardens, boulders as climbing challenges, and sand and water play areas. 

It’s about connecting children to the environment and teaching them about sustainability. That can be done by designing nature play equipment and playing with the existing landscape in your space.

Interested to know more about Nature Play? Read more below:

Is Natural Play Equipment Safe for Playgrounds?

What is an Adventure Playground Design?

Surface Design

The ground is integral to the play experience and safety. Vibrant floor murals can depict oceans or space, while materials like shock-absorbing rubber ensure safety. A story can be told through surfacing, connecting to the equipment and playground design.


Safety and Inclusivity

Durability and Maintenance

Playgrounds are investments for the future. Consider choosing equipment that requires less maintenance and has better longevity. Kown brands and natural play equipment are durable and require little maintenance.


Every child deserves to play. Modern designs prioritize inclusivity with ramps, tactile paths, and versatile equipment, ensuring children of all abilities can explore freely.

Challenge and Risk Assessment

 Playgrounds should challenge but also protect. Modern designs offer graduated challenges, allowing children to test their limits in a safe environment. 

Learn more here:
Inclusive Playground Design: An Adventure in Inclusion and Fun for All

How to Maintain Your Playground

Children playing on water feature. Enhancing playground design and adds sensory play.
Water play is a great idea to add sensory play in your space.

Enhancing the Experience

Sensory Play

Playgrounds are sensory wonderlands. From rustling leaves in wind chimes to herb gardens bursting with aroma, they offer a holistic play experience.

One of the main reasons for introducing sensory play in your playground is to foster early childhood development and be inclusive for children of all abilities.

Seating and Shading

 While kids play, caregivers should relax. Playgrounds should offer shaded seating, perhaps even with charging ports or a café corner, ensuring comfort for all. The sky is the limit as long as parents have a safe resting space while the children run around.

Equipment Choices

 From classic swings to augmented reality treasure hunts, playgrounds blend tradition with innovation. It’s about ensuring children develop a diverse range of skills.

When you engage with companies that understand a playground’s entire design process, they can guide you to the best playground equipment choice that will fit the story you want to tell.


Read our portfolio below if you want to know more and get inspired. Or if you are ready to decide, call us on 0800 000 334 or book a site visit.

Low Play Value Equipment? How To Improve Your Playground

Low play value equipment is an issue on almost every playground. Play value is the standard by which we measure each piece of equipment’s effectiveness, engagement, and developmental potential.

It is more than just a fleeting moment of fun; it is about the depth, variety, and richness of experiences that equipment can offer children.

In this article, you will discover the problems of low play value equipment and how to design a playground that fixes this common issue.

The Shortcomings of Low Play Value Equipment

Low play value equipment is often cheaper. The issue with them is that they do not fully engage their users and, most of the time, will occupy a space of equipment that could offer more value to your space.

  1. Rapid Decline in Interest: Children tend to bypass equipment that does not offer new challenges or stimulate their curiosity.
  2. Missed Developmental Milestones: High play value equipment can foster physical, cognitive, and social skills. Without it, we miss out on these crucial developmental opportunities.
  3. Frequent Replacements: Equipment that doesn’t engage kids or offer just one way of play tends to wear out faster, either from misuse or lack of use.
Learn more about play value reading our explanation article here.

What Equipment Has Low Play Value?

There are types of playground equipment that are staples for a playground design. Even if they are extremely popular, they can have low play value, such as swings and see-saws. 

We are not saying that you should not have them in your playground, but you should keep that in mind when designing your whole space. 

Some other types of equipment that have low play value:

  1. Basic Monkey Bars: While they offer some physical challenges, they can become repetitive without variation.
  2. Single-Feature Slides: A slide is fun, but its appeal can diminish quickly without added elements or features.
  3. Static Spring Riders: These can provide momentary entertainment, but their repetitive motion limits prolonged engagement.
  4. Simplistic Balance Beams: Without varying levels or added challenges, they offer limited physical development opportunities.
  5. Fixed Benches: While not play equipment per se, they occupy space that could be used for more engaging features.

Elevating Play Value with Playground Equipment

To enhance the play value of playground equipment, consider integrating:

  • Versatile Design: Equipment that offers multiple ways to play or has adjustable features can cater to a broader range of children and interests.
  • Immersive Elements: Equipment that sparks the imagination, like pirate ship-themed climbers or castle-like structures, can transform playtime into an adventure.
  • Inclusive Features: Equipment should be accessible to all, including children with disabilities. Think of wheelchair-friendly swings or sensory play panels. Learn more about inclusivity here.
  • Replayability: Designs that can be approached differently each time, like modular climbing structures, keep children coming back for more.
  • Educational Aspects: Integrating learning into play, such as equipment with counting games, shapes, or even basic physics principles, can boost cognitive development.
Elevate low play value equipment with unprescribed play.
Elm Park School, Designed and Built by Creo.

The Long-Term Value of Investing in High Play Value Equipment

High play value equipment is not just about providing quality play experiences; it is also about making smart, cost-effective choices for the long run:

  • Durability and Longevity: Equipment crafted for a range of play experiences tends to last longer, reducing the frequency of maintenance and replacements.
    This ensures playgrounds remain in top condition for extended periods, offering consistent value.
  • Consistent Engagement for Users: Playgrounds equipped with high play value items become magnets for families.
    Their consistent appeal means more foot traffic, which can translate to better community engagement and potential sponsorships or partnerships.
  • Fewer Upgrades Needed: As these pieces cater to a broad spectrum of play needs, there’s less pressure to add or upgrade equipment constantly.
    This means long-term savings and less frequent disruptions to the play area.
  • Maximized Space Utilization: High play value equipment often offers multifunctional play opportunities, ensuring that every inch of the playground is used to its fullest potential. This can reduce the need for additional installations, optimising space and budget.
Learn more about how to build your playground in 2023. Click here.
Equipment that tell a story can transform low value equipment.
Whitikau Reserve Playground, Optiki. Showcasing local heritage.



The equipment you choose for your playgrounds shapes the experiences of many children. By prioritising high play value, you craft enriching, engaging, and educational spaces where children can thrive.

Read our portfolio below if you want to know more and get inspired. Or if you are ready to decide, call us on 0800 000 334 or book a site visit.

Wall Ideas for your School Playground Design

A school’s walls can be much more than boundaries. They hold the potential to become dynamic platforms for learning, creativity, and play.

With innovative playground ideas, school walls can be transformed into engaging spaces that blend education with enjoyment. Let’s dive into six unique ways to rejuvenate your school’s playground walls.

Community Murals: Painting a Story Together

One of the most effective ways to give school walls a colorful upgrade is through community murals. Imagine the once-blank walls now bursting with the vibrancy of local flora and fauna, painted by the combined efforts of students and local artists.

Not only does this bring art into everyday play, but it also educates children about their local environment.

Interactive Chalkboard Walls: The Evolving Canvas

Spruce up your school walls with a coat of chalkboard paint. Suddenly, a static wall becomes a canvas for students’ imagination.

Whether they’re doodling, solving math problems, or crafting stories, these walls constantly evolve, making every recess a new adventure.

Rock Climbing Walls: Scaling New Heights

Playground design isn’t just about aesthetics—it’s about functionality. Convert a plain concrete wall into a thrilling rock climbing experience.

With proper safety measures, children can explore, climb, and challenge themselves, fostering physical fitness and confidence.

Green Walls: A Lesson in Sustainability

Green walls or vertical gardens are a stunning and educational addition to any playground. Using materials like timber and recycled plastic bottles, you can craft a lush, living wall.

Beyond the beauty, it offers hands-on lessons in sustainability and nature.

Put walls where kids can climb.

Musical Walls: A Symphony of Play

Incorporating old pots, pans, chimes, and xylophones into your playground design creates a delightful musical wall.

Every touch becomes a note, and every interaction is a hands-on experience in creativity and coordination.

Mirror Play: Reflections on Science

Children are naturally curious, and mirrors can spark their imaginations like few other things can.

Incorporating a mix of regular and distorted mirrors on school walls invites students to explore, ponder, and question the fascinating world of light and optics.

In conclusion, school walls hold a world of opportunity. By embracing some of these playground ideas, we can craft spaces that are not just for play but for learning, growing, and expressing. So, next time you look at a school wall, envision the potential it holds.

Read our portfolio below if you want to know more and get inspired. Or if you are ready to decide, call us on 0800 000 334 or book a site visit.

Indoor Playspaces: What are they and how to build one?

Indoor playgrounds have become a staple in many urban areas, offering children a safe and exciting place to play regardless of the weather outside. 

But what goes into designing these spaces? How can we ensure they’re both fun and meaningful while also being immersive? Let’s delve into indoor playground design and its many facets.

Types of Indoor Playgrounds: Beyond the Basics

When we think of an indoor playground, several types might come to mind:

  1. Mall Play Areas: Often found in shopping centres, these are small zones where kids can play while parents shop. They’re usually free and offer basic play structures.
    However, with a better understanding of play value and its benefits to children, malls are investing more in these playgrounds as an attraction, setting themselves apart to attract more customers and families.
  2. Indoor Play Spaces: These larger, dedicated areas are often filled with ball pits, slides, and climbing structures. While there might be an entry fee, they offer more extensive play options.
    These spaces are particularly popular during holiday periods, so the design challenge is keeping them engaging year-round.
  3. Indoor Adventure Playgrounds: Think of these as mini theme parks. They often have themed zones, interactive games, and even tech-driven attractions. Focusing on different levels and challenges, this type of playground can convey a local story while also being enjoyable for its users.
    They also introduce the concept of risky play, which is crucial for children’s developmental play.
  4. Interactive Museums: These are spaces where play meets education. Children can learn while they play, often through hands-on exhibits.
    An indoor playground at a museum can effectively introduce concepts to younger children who might not grasp some of the more complex museum features.
Indoor playgrounds such as Melbourne Museum are great for learning.
Melbourne Museum

Local Storytelling: Making Play Meaningful

Every location has a tale to tell. Whether it’s about the history of the city, local legends, or cultural stories, integrating these narratives into the playground design can enrich the experience.

In an indoor playground setting, you can control the whole environment and tell stories better and with more detail.

For example, New Zealand could tell the story of the local Iwi or trace the country’s history. Such spaces can recount tales of wildlife, bridging past and present playfully.

An indoor playground can be a place for learning.
Harbour City, Hong Kong

Immersive Play: Elevating the Fun

Today’s kids are tech-savvy. By incorporating technology – projections, interactive touchpoints, augmented reality – we can offer a genuinely immersive play experience.

This type of technology for indoor playgrounds enable a better in-depth experience and exploration of fun for children. The idea of bringing spaces to life with immersive fun that can be hidden or fully integrated in their experience.

Designing with Purpose: Who's the Target Audience?

Successful indoor playground design hinges on understanding its users. Is the playground for toddlers, older children, or both? It should allow effortless movement, ensuring children can navigate freely and safely.

Different zones for varying age groups cater to diverse play needs. Other factors, like the playground’s proximity to food amenities and the available area, are crucial considerations.

Essential Equipment for Indoor Playgrounds

A well-designed indoor playground isn’t just about the space but also the equipment within. Ensuring a mix of activities and structures tailored to various age groups and abilities can make a difference in the playground’s appeal.

 Here’s a look at some popular equipment types:

  1. Slides: A playground staple, slides come in various sizes and designs, from simple straight designs to twisty and tunnel variants.
  2. Climbing Walls: These offer both fun and a physical challenge. Walls can be designed with varying difficulty levels to cater to different age groups and abilities.
  3. Ball Pits: Another favourite, ball pits can be a sensory delight for children. Ensure that the balls and pit are regularly cleaned to maintain hygiene.
  4. Tunnels and Mazes: These can be above ground or integrated into the flooring. They encourage exploration, imaginative play, and problem-solving as kids navigate.
  5. Swings and Seesaws: While more common in outdoor settings, with appropriate safety measures, these can also be incorporated indoors.
  6. Trampolines: Integrated trampoline zones can offer a fun way for kids to bounce and exercise. Safety netting and padding are essential components.
  7. Interactive Floors and Walls: With technology integration, surfaces can be turned into games, responding to children’s movements with lights, sounds, and visuals.
  8. Soft Play Areas: Tailored for toddlers and younger kids, these areas come with soft mats, cushions, and structures, ensuring safety while the little ones explore.
  9. Themed Structures: From pirate ships to local culture features, themed play structures can be the centrepiece of a playground, sparking imaginative and role-playing activities.
  10. Sensory Equipment: Adding inclusive items is great for better playground designs and for children of all abilities. Equipment like bubble tubes, tactile walls, and sound stations can provide therapeutic play.

When selecting equipment, it’s essential to consider safety, durability, and ease of cleaning and maintenance. Incorporating a mix ensures varied and engaging play experiences, catering to all children’s developmental needs and preferences.

Children of all ages can play at indoor playgrounds. Safe from the weather.

All-Weather Play

The advantage of indoor spaces is that they’re unaffected by the weather. Come rain or shine, children can enjoy uninterrupted fun – a significant drawcard for parents seeking consistent play options.

Vertical Play: Reaching for the Sky

While indoor spaces might have limited horizontal dimensions, there’s potential to expand vertically. Multi-tiered play structures can offer unique perspectives and experiences.

Consider how a person on the second level of a mall might perceive and interact with the playground, adding another layer of depth.

Encouraging Repeat Visits

The design should be enticing enough for children to want to return. Varied experiences, themed spaces that can ignite imagination, and interactive elements that offer small rewards on completion, like a sound or an image.

Indoor spaces that can offer different experiences each time children use it, so they are willing to come back to it again and again.

Making a Statement

Every playground should have a standout feature. Be it a towering slide, a unique climbing structure, or a cutting-edge tech game, this can be the primary attraction.

Creating a narrative that resonates with the local community is also possible, adding value and drawing more visitors.

Safe, Regulated, and Clean

Without the unpredictability of the outdoors, indoor playgrounds can offer a controlled environment. There’s no concern over sudden rain showers or excessive sunlight.

Moreover, these spaces can be more straightforward to maintain and clean, an essential factor to remember during the design

Classes can be held in indoor playground.
Moose Imagination Tree, Monash Children's Hospital

Sensory Play

Incorporate elements like music, sensory play zones, and tech-driven attractions to engage all the senses. From tactile play areas to auditory games, the opportunities are boundless.

With controlled lighting in indoor playgrounds, colours, projections, and interactive lighting games can significantly enhance the atmosphere.


Designing an indoor playground is a harmonious blend of creativity, local culture recognition, and technology integration. With these components in place, your playground can tell a compelling story, attract more patrons, and offer a resonant experience.


If you’d like to talk to someone about a future project or would like a concept designed for your space, give us a call at 0800 000 334, or book a 15-minute ideas session with one of our consultants.

Sensory Playgrounds: Why They Matter

Imagine a playground that goes beyond the traditional swings and slides to offer a multi-sensory experience for children.

Welcome to the world of sensory playgrounds! These specialised play areas are designed to stimulate all five senses—sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste.

Research indicates that sensory playgrounds provide children with crucial sensory, motor, and socioemotional experiences that are essential for their development.

Moreover, these playgrounds offer an inclusive environment, especially beneficial for children with disabilities.

How Sensory Playgrounds Stimulate Senses

These type of play spaces are not just about fun but also about learning. The various elements in these playgrounds are designed to engage children’s senses actively.

For instance, textured paths and surfaces can stimulate the sense of touch, while musical instruments like drums or chimes can engage the sense of hearing.

Studies show that a rich tapestry of experiences in sensory playgrounds can promote cognitive and physical development.

The Benefits of Sensory Play in Sensory Playgrounds

The benefits of sensory play are many, particularly for preschoolers and elementary school students.

Sensory playground activities help develop fine and gross motor skills, improve focus, and enhance cognitive abilitiesResearch also highlights that sensory play is integral to children’s emotional well-being.

Designing for Inclusivity

One of the most compelling aspects of sensory playgrounds is their potential for inclusivity. Traditional playgrounds often present barriers for children with disabilities, limiting their engagement in play.

On the other hand, sensory playgrounds can be designed to be accessible to all children. Studies offer evidence-based recommendations for designing inclusive spaces, such as considering the physical design and the surrounding built and social environments.

Equipment and Activities in Sensory Playgrounds

When it comes to sensory playgrounds, the sky’s the limit! The options are endless, from tactile walls with different textures to water play areas that engage multiple senses. Some other examples include:

  • Sensory Gardens: Plants of various textures and smells
  • Sound Stations: Different types of bells and chimes
  • Visual Boards: Boards with various colours and patterns

The Role of Colours, Patterns, and Textures in Sensory Playgrounds

Colours, patterns, and textures play a significant role in sensory play. Bright, contrasting colours can stimulate visual senses, while textures like rubber, sand, and grass offer a diverse tactile experience.

Patterns can also create visual interest and even aid in developing pattern recognition skills.

Safety First: Best Practices

Safety is paramount when designing any kind of playgrounds. The design should adhere to safety standards and regulations to ensure a secure environment for all children.

Research suggests that some of the best practices include considering entry points, surfacing and paths, and features that foster inclusive play.


Sensory playgrounds offer a unique and enriching experience for all children. They provide a fun and engaging environment and contribute significantly to children’s physical and cognitive development.

By incorporating elements that stimulate all senses and by adhering to safety and inclusivity guidelines, sensory spaces can genuinely be a haven for every child.

So, the next time you see a sensory playground, you’ll know it’s more than just a play area—it’s a developmental goldmine for children.

Have fun!

Landscape Architect, Equipment Company, Full Service: What’s the Best For My Playground?

So, you’re all set to build a playground. That’s fantastic! Now comes the crucial part: deciding who should bring your vision to life.

You’ve got three main options: Landscape Architect, Playground Equipment Company, and Full-Service Design and build Playground Company.

Let’s explore what each one offers so you can make an informed decision. 

Landscape Architects

How They Work: Landscape Architects are like the artists of the outdoor world. They’re great at painting a broad stroke, including design, nature, and play. 

But here’s the thing: They usually work on various projects, from general landscapes to streetscapes. Playgrounds are just one part of their portfolio. 

What They’re Great at 

Holistic Design: They can create a complete space, blending play areas with the natural environment. 

Community Engagement: Often, they’ll get the community involved, ensuring the space meets local needs. 

Sustainability: They’re usually big on using eco-friendly materials and native plants. They consider those ideas in a playground design. 

Read here how Natural Play is great for a playground design.

Something to Consider: While some landscape architects specialise in playgrounds, those are often the bigger, more expensive firms. So, if you’re looking for playground-specific expertise, you might need a heftier budget. 

When to Consider Them: If your playground is part of a larger project like a community park or educational campus, a Landscape Architect can provide the overarching vision.  

Playground Equipment Company

How They Work: Playground Equipment Companies are the go-to for all things play equipment. They’re usually focused on engineering and safety. 

Usually, they offer some design, but not for a whole project, where you might need a landscape architect and builders to work alongside the playground equipment company to bring a playground project to its full plan.  

What They’re Great At: 

Safety Compliance: They’re on top of all the safety guidelines, ensuring your playground is a haven for kids. 

Variety: They offer a wide range of equipment, which can often be customised to fit your specific needs. Most of the imported equipment is modular, so you can buy the bits and pieces and get only what you need for your space. 

Something to Consider: While some companies make bespoke equipment, most sell pre-set or modular equipment. So, your options might be limited if you want something unique. 

When to Consider Them: If you’re looking to upgrade an existing playground or already have a design in mind, these companies can provide the pieces to make it happen. 

Full-Service Design & Build Playground Company

How They Work: These companies are your one-stop shop. They take your initial idea and run it with their landscape architect, handling everything from design to installation. And the best part? They often manufacture their equipment, both custom-made and off-the-shelf items. 

What They’re Great at: 

 Streamlined Process: With one team doing it all, your project will likely stay on track and within budget. 

Consistency: Design & Build companies handle both design and construction. Therefore, your final project is more aligned with your initial vision. Add to that the fact that they manufacture their equipment, both bespoke and off-the-shelf items, meaning shorter lead times and local expertise. 

When to Consider Them: If you’re after a comprehensive solution that takes you from start to finish, a Full-Service Design and build Playground Company is probably your best bet. 

For more information on design and build companies, click here to read more.

Managed risk is a key component of learing-focused playgrounds

Wrapping It Up

So, where does this leave you? If you’re in the early stages and want a grand vision beyond just a playground, a Landscape Architect might be your go-to. 

But remember that specialised playground expertise is already included in the Design & Build company design. 

If you’re more focused on the equipment, a Playground Equipment Company has you covered, but be aware if their equipment is imported, support could be limited. 

Finally, if you want a local expert handling everything from A to Z, a Full-Service Design and build Playground Company is the way to go. 

They will include your design with a landscape architect, site managers, and project managers focused on bringing play spaces to life. 

By understanding the unique strengths and considerations of each type of company, you’re well on your way to creating not just a playground but a meaningful community space. 


Want to learn more? Visit our learning hub.

 Read our portfolio below if you want to know more and get inspired. Or if you are ready to decide, call us on 0800 000 334 or book a site visit.


6 Garden Ideas to Transform Your Playground

Today, we’re diving into simple yet creative ways to add a green touch to your school playground. The best part? These garden ideas do more than beautify—they make learning interactive and fun.

The World of Butterfly Gardens

Picture a lively scene with colourful butterflies flying around. You can create this mini-ecosystem in a sheltered corner of your playground.

Plant butterfly-friendly flowers like milkweed, asters, or daisies. It’s like having a living, flying science lesson on school grounds. Students can learn about biodiversity, life cycles, and the importance of each species in an ecosystem.

The Orchard Classroom

Have you ever thought about how fun it would be to grow your fruits in school? Create a small orchard with fruit trees, and let the students become young gardeners.

This hands-on experience teaches kids about soil quality, plant growth, and different organisms’ roles in nature.

A Scent-sational Idea

Moving on, consider adding an herb garden to your playground.

Plant herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary. This garden idea spices up science lessons and offers a practical side, too.

Students can learn about plant biology, explore the uses of different herbs, and even incorporate them into cooking classes.

An Outdoor Gallery

Why keep art confined to a classroom? Allocate a space in the playground where students can display their creations—drawings, sculptures, or mosaics.

The outdoor setting could inspire kids to explore different mediums and themes while appreciating nature’s beauty.

On the Trail: Let's Explore

What about turning a part of the playground into an exploration trail? Make a simple path and dot it with educational signs or fun challenges.

This turns a simple walk into an adventure, keeping students engaged as they move from one learning station to another.

Bring in the Bird Feeders

Lastly, consider installing bird feeders in the garden area. This adds a whole new layer to the outdoor learning experience.

Students can observe different bird species up close, learning about their habits and roles in the ecosystem.

Green Learning is Fun Learning

So, we’ve gone through six easy garden ideas to make your school playground pretty and educational.

Each idea serves as an interactive learning station where children can touch, see, and experience the lesson.

It’s time to roll up those sleeves and make learning a hands-on adventure!

Read our portfolio below if you want to know more and get inspired. Or if you are ready to decide, call us on 0800 000 334 or book a site visit.