Marshall Laing Primary School

Marshall Laing Primary School

A place that invites 
play and connection.

Marshall Laing Primary School

Marshall Lang Primary School, located in Lynfield, Auckland, had an outdoor area that wasn’t working for its students. It was a dull, grey space that went largely unused. Principal David White knew something had to change, particularly to help younger children transition smoothly from kindergarten to primary school.

In 2023, the school took action, transforming the space into a vibrant, engaging environment that their youngest students would love. The result was more than just a new playground—it was a game-changer for the entire school community.

Creating spaces that children love.

Before the upgrade, the play area simply didn’t resonate with the children. “It was quite a grey, drab area where our children never played,” says David White. But now? “Our children love being there. It’s always crowded at break times. It’s colourful, it’s vibrant, it’s bouncy, and it’s completely transformed the whole area.”

The standout feature? A series of mounds that have become the heart of the space. “The most popular feature would be the mounds,” David explains. “Children like jumping from one to the other. They also like sitting on them during playtimes and lunchtimes. In fact, I can’t walk past them without jumping on them as well.”

These mounds allow for flexibility. There’s no fixed way to play, so kids create their own games and activities, sparking their imagination and encouraging social interaction. This level of adaptability has made the space a true hit with students.

“We wanted to create a smoother transition for our youngest students from early childhood centers to school, and this space has done exactly that.”

Supporting emotional development.

The playground was designed with a deeper purpose in mind—helping students transition smoothly from vibrant, colourful kindergartens to the more structured environment of primary school. “Children often come from early childhood centres that are very vibrant and colourful, and sometimes they go into schools where it’s not like that,” David explains. “We wanted to create a softer transition between ECD and starting at Marshall Lang as a year one.”

By creating a space that feels welcoming and familiar, the new playground is helping students feel more comfortable as they begin their primary school journey.

"Children use these things for whatever they want. It’s not got a set purpose, and that’s really good for fitting in with children’s creativity."

A collaborative process.

For Marshall Lang Primary, the design process was as important as the end result. David White emphasised the importance of working closely with designers. “Creo had really good ideas, but they were excellent at listening to us and going along with our ideas about what we think could happen.”

This collaboration ensured the design wasn’t just functional but also suited the specific needs of the school. They even visited other schools with similar projects to gather inspiration, blending those ideas with their vision to create something truly special for their students.

The impact.

The transformation has been an undeniable success. What was once an underused space is now buzzing with energy and excitement every break time. It’s not just a playground—it’s a central part of the school’s community, where students of all ages come together to play, create, and explore.

Reflecting on the process, David White says, “We’re very, very happy with the product, and we’re actually looking at putting it in other areas of our school.”

Sunnyvale Primary School

Sunnyvale Primary School

From old to bold.

Sunnyvale Primary School

Sunnyvale Primary School’s playground had provided years of joy, but it was clear that it was time for something new. Rather than simply replace the old equipment, Principal Katie Pennicott saw an opportunity to reimagine the space. She envisioned a dynamic playspace where children of all ages and abilities could come together, play, and explore freely.

Katie wasn’t just looking for a quick fix—she wanted a vibrant, inclusive playspace that would inspire creativity and encourage connection among students. This was a chance to transform the playground into a place where every child could thrive.

The start of a journey

It was while browsing Instagram that Katie stumbled upon Creo’s work at Western Heights School. Instantly inspired by the transformation she saw, Katie reached out to see how Creo could bring that same energy to Sunnyvale. “We wanted something colourful, inclusive, and accessible for all children,” Katie said. And so, the collaboration began.

From the first site visit, the Creo team took the time to understand Sunnyvale’s unique needs and values. Working closely with the school community, they sketched out designs that captured the spirit of Sunnyvale Primary. Together, they carefully selected the colours, patterns, and features that would make the new playground come alive. “We worked closely with the community to choose the design that best represented who we are,” Katie explained.

Building a Playground for Everyone

The result was more than just a refreshed playground—it became a whole new world of possibilities. Gone were the old wood chips, replaced by a vibrant, durable surface designed to handle all kinds of imaginative play. The play structures were thoughtfully designed to cater to children of all abilities, ensuring that no one was left out. One of the standout features was a slide that connected the second-storey classroom block to the playground, adding a sense of adventure to everyday school life.

“The slide quickly became a hit,” Katie said with a smile. “A lot of kids didn’t even want to use that classroom because of the stairs. Now, they can’t wait to get on the slide!”

“The slide quickly became a hit. “A lot of kids didn’t even want to use that classroom because of the stairs. Now, they can’t wait to get on the slide!”

A Place for Joy, Smiles, and Connection

As the playground took shape, it quickly became clear that this was more than just a space for play—it was a space for connection. “One of our school values is family, and that’s exactly what we’re seeing in this new space,” Katie shared. “Kids of all ages are playing together now. It’s become a place where anybody can play with anybody.”

With features like a vibrant tunnel and open play areas, the new playground invites children to explore, create, and connect. Parents have also noticed the change, praising the design for being both inclusive and fun, and for fostering interactions between children who might not have played together before.

Katie summed it up perfectly: “The new playground has truly become a place where our values shine. It’s not just about play—it’s about connection, creativity, and fun.”

“The new playground has truly become a place where our values shine. It’s not just about play—it’s about connection, creativity, and fun.”

St Hilda’s Collegiate Playspace

St Hilda’s Collegiate Playspace

The Project

St Hilda's Collegiate School

St Hilda’s Collegiate in Dunedin had a dream: to transform a simple green patch in the middle of their school into a vibrant, interactive playground. They wanted a space that would cater to their students from Year 7 to Year 13, where they could socialize, play, and create lasting memories. For this project, they chose Creo for our ability to design unique and engaging play spaces

Play Video


Before the playground came to life, the area was just a grassy field, often unusable due to Dunedin’s winter weather. “It was just grass. But living in Dunedin quite a few months of the year, it really was just unusable,” shared Helen Almey, the deputy principal. The students needed a space where they could gather, interact, and have fun regardless of the weather.

What They Wanted to Achieve

The school envisioned a playground that was more than just a place to play. They wanted it to be a social hub where students of all ages could come together.

Helen explained, “We needed something to cater for all the different ages that we have,
something that they could interact with, something that they could socialise on.” The playground had to be compact yet versatile, making the most of the limited space available.

The Outcome

With Creo’s expertise, St Hilda’s Collegiate achieved a fantastic transformation. The new playground became a beloved feature of the school, offering a space where students could unwind, interact, and enjoy themselves.

The response from the students when they saw this playground has been so, so positive. This place is now one that's filled with a lot of laughter, a lot of squealing, and a lot of enjoyment."

The roundabout quickly became a favorite. “The element that has been the most successful and we love the most has been the roundabout. The Year 7 and 8 adore it, but also the Year 13 as well,” Helen shared with a smile.

Highlights and Process with Creo

Working with Creo was a smooth and enjoyable experience for St Hilda’s. Creo’s team visited the site, understood the school’s vision, and tailored their designs to fit perfectly. “They listened to us, they came on site, they talked to us, and they gave us a quote,” Helen recalled.

Despite some logistical challenges, like navigating around a low concrete balcony, Creo’s team remained unfazed and accommodating.

They ensured the project fit within the school holidays to avoid disruption. “Nothing fazed them at all. They were just so really accommodating,” Helen praised.

"We really enjoyed working with Creo.
We would absolutely recommend other schools if they're thinking about putting a playground in, go and have a conversation with Creo"


The playground’s success is evident in the students’ reactions. The area now echoes with laughter and joy. “The response from the students when they saw this playground has been so, so positive. This place is now one that’s filled with a lot of laughter, a lot of squealing, and a lot of enjoyment,” Helen remarked. The playground at St Hilda’s Collegiate is a shining example of how a thoughtfully designed space can bring a community together. Our team’s ability to customise their designs to meet the school’s unique needs resulted in a space that is both functional and beloved by students. Helen’s words sum it up perfectly: “We really enjoyed working with Creo. We would absolutely recommend other schools if they’re thinking about putting a playground in, go and have a conversation with Creo.”

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Aorangi School

Small design items can be great in thematic playground design, such as this native bird.

Aorangi School

Small design items can be great in thematic playground design, such as this native bird.Small design items can be great in thematic playground design, such as this native bird.

A play space for Tamariki to play with culture and learn with fun.

Aorangi School
Circa budget:

A School with a Heart

Aorangi School is more than just a place for learning; it’s a community haven in Western Heights, Rotorua, dedicated to empowering its 140 students. Its mission is Empowering, Encouraging, and Engaging everyone to Personal Excellence. But for Principal Kairo McLean, one thing was missing: a culturally reflective, therapeutic, and engaging play space.

The Search for the Perfect Partner: Why Creo?

Principal McLean knew that a traditional playground would not cut it. The school wanted a play space that engaged students, reflected their cultural heritage, and supported their emotional well-being. That’s when Creo was brought into the picture to collaborate with this fantastic project.

Wet pour rubber provides safety as well as good aesthetics for your space.

The Importance of Personal Engagement

For McLean, the decision to go with a design and build firm was easy. The two-year relationship with a dedicated consultant at Creo ensured a smooth, personalised experience that allowed Aorangi School to realise their dream playground.

When asked what stood out about Creo, McLean said, “They made everything our students wanted possible.” This willingness to adapt and incorporate the school’s unique requirements sealed the deal.

"They made everything our students wanted possible."

The Transformation: When Dreams Become Reality

When the construction began, McLean knew they had made the right choice. Creo’s professionalism and easy-to-work-with nature reassured the school that their vision was becoming a reality.

The result is a playground that fits Aorangi School’s unique needs. From enabling students to regulate their emotions to imaginative play, the play space is deeply embedded in the school’s values. It even features culturally significant figures like their Kaitiaki, the Kārearea Falcon.

With its new play space, Aorangi School takes a giant leap towards holistic, quality education that doesn’t just teach but empowers. The play space is not merely a place for fun—it’s a cultural emblem, a therapeutic tool, and an embodiment of the school’s high standards for student well-being.

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Kristin School Senior

Kristin School Senior

Students play at Kristin School Senior playgroundStudents play at Kristin School Senior playground

A gathering, fun space for the children at Kristin School

Kristin School Senior
Albany, Auckland
Circa Budget:

When Opportunity Knocked

When Kristin School in Auckland had to remove a playground due to the construction of a new bus bay, they found themselves at a crossroads. Creo has worked with them previously, so we were ready to get the fun back to the school with a new playground opportunity.  “Our experience with Creo has been very positive,” said the school’s Director of Business Services, Nigel Wilkinson.


A Visionary Approach

Kristin School wanted more than just a playground; they aspired to create a unique space. “This was a new project where we wanted playground equipment as well,” Nigel pointed out. Creo didn’t disappoint. “We approached Creo, and they were able to give us some really good designs very promptly and also a virtual tour of what it would look like. All those things helped us imagine what we could do in this area,” he shared.



The Urban Landscape: A New Concept

Creo introduced the idea of an “urban landscape,” a concept that initially puzzled the school team. “We didn’t understand what benefits that might bring,” Nigel admitted. However, the results were beyond expectations. “What we’ve found now that the playground’s in place is that it’s become a social gathering space for students. It’s much more populated now than it was before.”


"We approached Creo, and they were able to give us some really good designs very promptly and also a virtual tour of what it would look like. All those things helped us imagine what we could do in this area"

A Bustling Community Space

“People gathering, talking, using the equipment periodically, and then stepping back and just joining with their friends,” Nigel described the new atmosphere. “And it’s now become one of the busiest places on the campus.” The playground isn’t just a place for play; it’s a vibrant community hub. “You just have to look at the playground at lunchtime and the use it’s getting and the fun and the excitement and the voices of the students to know it’s been a really worthwhile investment,” he concluded.

The Immediate Impact

“Since the day we opened, we’ve had staff, students and just about everybody wanting to have a go at some of the equipment in the playground,” Nigel said, capturing the essence of the playground’s appeal. “It’s safe, exciting and challenging. And those are all the sorts of things year seven and eight students want.”

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Hurunui College

Hurunui College

Cornerstone equipment, a 7.5m net tower.Cornerstone equipment, a 7.5m net tower.
Obstacles offer play value, challenge and learning.Obstacles offer play value, challenge and learning.

A playground for the school and the community.

Hurunui College
Circa budget:
A Fantastic Play Opportunity

Hurunui College in North Canterbury is a school catering to students from year 1 through to year 13. Recognising an opportunity to enhance the student experience, Principal Stephen Beck and the teachers saw an opportunity when the prefab classrooms were removed to transform the space into a vibrant playground.

Removing old prefab classrooms opened space, setting the stage for an ambitious playground project that would align with the school’s unique rural environment. The project was not just to benefit the students but the community.

Embracing Nature

Embracing the local landscape was at the core of Hurunui College’s playground vision. The school’s leadership wanted a design that resonated with the natural surroundings. Featuring timber play equipment, such as an obstacle course and natural climbing features. This aesthetic decision was intentional and grounded in the community’s connection to nature.

Cornerstone equipment, a 7.5m net tower.
Unprescribed Play – The Centerpiece

One of the main things you will notice as you walk past the playground is a 7.5m climbing net tower. A statement in the playground. Stephen and the teachers wanted to give the children some challenges. “Our kids are really active, love climbing, often climb trees, and we don’t stop too much of that,” Stephen explained.

The playground at Hurunui College has some fun and exciting features that the kids love to use. The basket swing and Viking swing are favourites, and as Principal Stephen Beck says, they ‘get a huge amount of use.’ These parts of the playground aren’t just for fun; they also help the children explore and use their imagination, making playtime more enjoyable and creative

"The thing that stood out for us with Creo was that we only had to deal with one supplier, and they managed the process from design to build to completion."

A Playground for The Community

As a small rural community, the new playground is not just for the school. Stephen believes that the space will be of great benefit to the community of Hawarden. “This will be a high-use facility so the community can enjoy this space during the weekends and holidays. A win for everyone!

The Creo Factor

Creo’s expertise in design and building was one of the factors for their choice. We aim to make a smooth and seamless project for all parties involved. Being a one-stop-shop was essential to achieve the desired outcome where Stephen, his students and the whole community could benefit from the fantastic playground they envisioned. 

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Mission Heights Primary School

Mission Heights Primary School

Playground with a boat, vegetation rubber and bark surfacePlayground with a boat, vegetation rubber and bark surface

Play Reaches New Heights at Mission Heights Primary.

Mission Heights Primary School
Circa budget:
Turning Concrete into Child’s Play

At Mission Heights Primary School, a concrete yard posed an enduring problem for teachers and children alike. According to Camelia, a new entrant teacher at the school, the previous environment was uninviting and hard on young students. “Our children were struggling to find an area to play, especially our younger children…there were a lot of bruised knees and grazes because of the concrete,” she recalls.

Mission Heights, home to approximately 700 children, recognized the crucial role of outdoor play in childhood development and took the bold step of transforming their grey, concrete landscape into a vibrant, interactive playground.

A Paradigm Shift in Playgrounds

Following a successful upgrade of their existing playground into a natural play area, the school saw an opportunity to extend their revitalization efforts to the concrete yard. This previously overlooked area became the next candidate for an exciting playground transformation. The new playground design aimed to invite exploration and physical activity, promoting healthy play habits among the children. The transformation, accomplished within a week, had an immediate and profound impact.

Play Video

Camelia enthusiastically reports on the children’s reaction: “Our youngest children really love it. They love how there are, you know, the obstacle courses and the different heights where they love to explore.”

Playground Elements that Kids Love

The new playground, designed with children’s interests in mind, features a variety of components including slides, hills to climb on, and huts for those quieter moments. “And we’ve done some writing last week, in fact, about the new playground. The children talked about, you know, how they loved to play on the slide. They loved the little hill that they can climb on, and they love the hut that they can sit in.”

Not only does the new space provide children with a safer, more enjoyable place to play, but it also serves as a springboard for classroom activities. Children’s love for the playground transcends the playtime, transforming into a source of inspiration for their academic projects.

"This is a very cool playground that our children really love exploring."

The Enduring Impact

A week after the introduction of the new playground, Camelia and her colleagues are observing that the children’s enthusiasm for their new playground shows no sign of waning. “Our children have been telling us how much they love the playground,” she says, “Overall, I think this is a very cool playground that our children really love exploring, and they will continue to love exploring on the playground.”

Not only has this project improved the daily lives of students at Mission Heights Primary School, but it’s also set a positive example for other institutions struggling with similar issues. The concrete-to-playground transformation is a testament to the power of creative, child-centred thinking in education.

Camelia concludes, “And I think it’s highly recommended.” With her endorsement and the clear delight of the children who play there, the new playground is an undeniable success, underscoring the importance of play in children’s development and how educational institutions can facilitate it. Mission accomplished!

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St Patrick’s School, Te Awamutu

St Patrick’s School, Te Awamutu

Natural Play Equipment are simple, but engage children imagination and problem solving skills.Natural Play Equipment are simple, but engage children imagination and problem solving skills.

"We were really keen on creativity and imagination. We were looking for something really different."

St Patrick's Catholic School
Te Awamutu
Circa budget:

In Te Awamutu, New Zealand, Saint Patrick’s Catholic School is charting its own path in the realm of children’s play spaces. This isn’t a story about the traditional playgrounds we all know, filled with swings and monkey bars. It’s about a school challenging the norms to create a new narrative for their playgrounds.

When the school’s senior playground fell into disrepair, Principal Shelley Fitness didn’t opt for a like-for-like replacement. She envisioned a different kind of play space – one that emphasized creative play, physical strength development, and appealed to all ages. Creo, with its non-traditional approach, was chosen for the task.

Play Video

Creo’s methodology was both collaborative and innovative. We worked with the school’s playground committee to understand the unique requirements, aligning their design with the school’s ethos. For Shelly and her team, what set Creo apart was their use of technology – providing not just blueprints but a virtual walkthrough. This brought the school’s vision to life, aiding their leadership in presenting the plan to the board and PTA.

The construction phase, a crucial stage where many projects can falter, was handled professionally. Creo created an isolated worksite, reducing the impact on the school’s daily operations and addressing safety concerns. Their regular communication with the school ensured the project moved smoothly towards completion.

"One thing we've really noticed is that the older kids play with the little kids, so it's no longer the senior playground and junior playground,"

Upon unveiling the new playground, there was a transition period as the children adjusted to the new play space. It was a departure from the familiar, but its uniqueness soon found favour. The space now sees children of all ages interacting and playing together, a far cry from the previous segregated setup.

The fresh approach taken by Saint Patrick’s Catholic School and Creo has drawn interest from other educational institutions. This playground, built on the pillars of creativity, strength, and inclusivity, has carved a new path in play space design.

This experience has underscored that change can sometimes be met with apprehension, but with careful planning, collaboration, and a bit of creative courage, new norms can be established – even on a playground. It serves as a reminder to other schools considering similar projects that innovation, while challenging, can offer exciting and rewarding outcomes.

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Elm Park School

Elm Park School

Full Service playground design and build company can work from surface to playground equipment manufacturing.Full Service playground design and build company can work from surface to playground equipment manufacturing.
Proper shade prevent wet pour rubber surfacing from getting hot.Proper shade prevent wet pour rubber surfacing from getting hot.
Managed risk is a key component of learing-focused playgroundsManaged risk is a key component of learing-focused playgrounds

“We decided to go with Creo because they were really interested in what made Elm Park unique to us.”

Elm Park School
Circa budget:

Elm Park School, a diverse community nestled in the heart of Auckland, found themselves facing an all-too-common problem: an outdated, 30-year-old playground. Deputy Principal Dave Walsh, a 26-year veteran of the school, describes the old space: “It was the old-style type of playground with, you know, climbing frames, the old woodchip bark.” The area, shaded by large trees, was also unsuitable for grass growth, which led to a dusty or muddy terrain depending on the weather.

The Promise of Transformation

The school knew they needed a change, and that’s when they found Creo, who specialise in play space design. Principal Sarah Baleicakau explains, “We decided to go with Creo because they were really interested in what made Elm Park unique to us.” Creo promised a design that would incorporate the school’s core values of respect, responsibility, and resilience, turning the space into more than just a playground – it would be a place where these values were nurtured and developed.

Managed risk is a key component of learing-focused playgrounds

The Project Begins

From the outset, Creo impressed the school with their professionalism and dedication. “Health and safety was planned down to the detail,” Baleicakau recalls, noting that the worksite manager was always on-site and communication was consistently open and effective.

A Nod to the Past

Creo’s design didn’t just focus on the future. They suggested refurbishing and incorporating a 50-year-old climbing frame into the new design, preserving a piece of the school’s history. “That made it just that little bit more special,” Baleicakau notes, highlighting the project’s emphasis on sustainability.

Multi-Purpose and Multi-Functional

The transformed space is more than just a playground. It is now a multi-purpose area that promotes outdoor learning, physical education, and even confidence-building. “We know that learning just doesn’t take place inside the classroom,” explains Baleicakau. The playground has become a space for education outside the traditional classroom setting.

A Job Well Done

Upon completion, the playground received rave reviews from students and staff alike. “The children are absolutely thrilled with the playground. The staff are ecstatic,” shares Walsh. The space is not only used extensively but has added significant aesthetic value to the school environment.

“Creo was outstanding. They were professional, and their craftsmanship was second to none. We felt at ease at all times.” Sarah Baleicakau, Principal Elm Park School.

Looking Ahead

Elm Park School’s experience with Creo was overwhelmingly positive. As Baleicakau states, “Creo was outstanding. They were professional, and their craftsmanship was second to none. We felt at ease at all times.” This success story serves as a shining example of how a well-executed play space transformation can have far-reaching impacts on a school’s community. For Elm Park School, this may just be the first of many projects with Creo.

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One School Global Campus

One School Global Campus

A brand-new play space for the students at One School Global Campus in Gore 

One School Global Campus
Circa budget:

One School Global Campus is a brand-new learning environment for children in the academic years of 3 to 13. This new school in Gore serves students from Dunedin all the way through to Invercargill by providing a safe space to learn, grow, and play.  

In 2022, the school teamed up with Creo to design and build a play space for the new school. Together they created a space that was safe, full of activity, could challenge students of all ages, and was diverse and inclusive for their school community. The new play area features swings, play structures, balance play, mounds, and comfortable safety surfacing to cushion all the bumps and falls that are sure to take place in the playground.  

Principal Sarah Gillbert explains that the space is full of activities and energy that encouraged the students to get creative and push themselves. “Our students like to challenge themselves… It’s great [the playground] because it offers that little bit of risk that children love, but it’s perfectly safe for them to use.” 

A standout feature in the play area is the safety surfacing installed in the space. The rubber surface provides the students with the opportunity to take risks, push themselves, and get creative with their play while knowing they are protected from those trips and falls. “The surfacing is nice and spongy. It’s perfectly safe for our students to play.”  

“It’s great because it offers that little bit of risk that children love, but it’s perfectly safe for them to use.” 

The play space has a range of height play options which Sarah explains that the kids at her school love. The variety of climbing opportunities throughout the playground keeps students entertained and encourages physical activity and competition. A range of balance play options can also be found in the playground, with mounds, and steppers scattered around the space, creating fun games, and challenges, pushing kids to get creative with their playtime.  

Our students absolutely love it. Every day there is laughter and lots of play going on in our playground. 

The new playground has been an absolute hit with students, and Sarah explains that the new space has been a great addition to the school. The students love it, and there is always laughter and play going on in the playground.  

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